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New member
hi! i'm new!! i'm on my way to lose 10 lbs. yay. i've been having a pretty tough time but for the past week and a half i'm been doing ok, with the exception of today :mad: haven't had such a good day. i'm a full time student and i'm graduating and getting married this summer. i can't wait!! well, i guess that's all for now. i look forward to much support and success.
Hello! Good job this past week. Forget about today, there's always tomorrow. lol You can totally lose 10lbs by the wedding, way to get started early. I'm a full time student too, so I feel your pain. I just survived 4 midterms this week. School can be so taxing, but at least we are both graduating this summer. Whoo hoo! I can't wait, I bet you can't either. I'm a Business Econ major, how about you? Anyhow, I'm happy to be your weight loss buddy. Keep me posted on your progress. Let's work it this week. hehe I'll be posting my progress in my journal as well. Bye for now.
Welcome!!! there are a ton of us students on here, and another is always welcome! sometimes it seems like it is more difficult to balance school and healthy habits than work, but maybe that's just me.

Congratulations on being engaged, and good luck with all the wedding planning! I'm engaged too, but we haven't set a date yet, so luckily i don't have all of that other stuff to bog me down right now.

Hope to hear from you more!
yep...i am one of those other full time students! and i know it seems as if free time is scarce! but i have seen such an elevation in energy in 2 weeks that i am studying better and generally enjoying time regardless of how it is spent!

welcome in!
welcome. nice to have you on board. you should start a diary ... record what you do on a daily basis (eating, exercise, etc).

on a side note: i'm wondering what the percentage of new members that come on here have made some comment that they want to lose weight AND they are getting married soon ... seems to be a strong motivator. I'd like to think that it's because you want to look good for your man, but i have a feeling it's more geared towards looking that much better in your wedding pictures :)
I think it might be a combination of the two: looking good for yourself, for others, and for the person who you know will love you anyways so you want to make them happier. Looks like we have a lot of students in here too - school cafeterias and foodcourts do not a good diet make is what I'm sure many of us have learned ;)
thank you so much for all your replies. i love the warm welcoming. it makes me feel much more at ease about joining a forum like this. it's much more relaxing.

missjellybelly-wow, 4 midterms. that's alot luckily mine are got kind of spread out somehow. weird. thank you for the encouragement.

amomono- thanks for the luck. i need it. wedding plans definitely keep me busy and stressed, which leads to eating :mad: but no more of that. no! thanks again :)

t'is4me- thanks for stopping by. that's great that you are feeling full of energy and enjoying your time more. i hope to be feeling more energetic as well.

AllCdnBoy- ha, that's funny. i never thought about how much of a motivator getting married can be. you're right, i do want to look for my my man, as well and for the pictures but even more so for myself. i used to like the way i looked and lately i've just been depressed about it and figured i'm the only one who can fix the way i feel. as long as i don't have another day like today. thanks for stopping by

Beagle- lucky for me i don't have to eat in the cafeterias and lunch rooms. if i did, i'd have alot more weight to lose. i'm sorry for those who are stuck with that crap. it makes me ill to look at it, i certainly wouldn't want to eat it. so good luck to all of you who are to get your meals that way. thanks for stopping be

ok, well, i'm going to go start myself a diary soon. good luck to everyone.
Hello and welcome! I'm glad to see you found us here! We are a very supportive group and are here to help you! Good luck on your journey!
hey amndpu, good to see you here ;) ! yeah, getting married is a huge incentive to lose weight and get in shape. i know you can succeed in reaching your goals and i'll be here to support you all the way!
Welcome to the forum! Wow, you have a lot going on with graduation and wedding plans! How exciting! I hope you get lots of support here! Love, Julia
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