Hi guys
I just dropped in to say hi and let everyone know I haven't forgotten about ya hehe.
I'm down to about 230, After baseball season, I moved into a new place. We got settled in about August, got used to my new routines and found a new gym, so I'm starting to work out again. I still practice Shotokan, I'm 7th kyu now. I'm starting to get into the advanced stuff (technique combinations, advanced kata, stuff like that).
I don't have access to a computer in the day anymore (im at home, I don't have to go to work until later), but I do have one at night now. I'll try to get on more from there, but with martial arts and kids in sports, its tough hehe.
Anyway, in summation, Hi everyone
I just dropped in to say hi and let everyone know I haven't forgotten about ya hehe.
I'm down to about 230, After baseball season, I moved into a new place. We got settled in about August, got used to my new routines and found a new gym, so I'm starting to work out again. I still practice Shotokan, I'm 7th kyu now. I'm starting to get into the advanced stuff (technique combinations, advanced kata, stuff like that).
I don't have access to a computer in the day anymore (im at home, I don't have to go to work until later), but I do have one at night now. I'll try to get on more from there, but with martial arts and kids in sports, its tough hehe.
Anyway, in summation, Hi everyone