Hey =D!

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New member
Hello everyone,

So my name is Chris and I am 15 going on 16 (March 15).I weigh about 185lbs and I am 5'10 or so.
I have been trying to lose weight for awhile but it keeps going on and off.
I am trying slim fast.Having 2 a day then dinner or something of that sort.

But I heard its not good for you.But then again being a bit overweight couldnt be healthy for you either.I came here so I could maybe get some support and most of all help.For Fitness on what I should and what I should and should not eat.

I do have a bowflex type of a machine and I have just been doing stuff to work on my Abdominal region hah.So yeah Lemme know =D
Hey! welcome, to be honest with you 185 for 5'10 isn't bad at all but it's great that you're trying to improve.
And you're right Shakes and stuff like that really aren't the best for you. :)
I hope to see you around!
welcome! sounds like you could use a few more calories and some cardio to add to your daily workout. and, you cant live on shakes forever, right?
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