Here is my start...

Per Chillen's recommendation I copy/pasted my "new person" thread in this section:

In advance: Sorry for the novel, if you hate reading, move on.

I've lurked for a bit and finally decided to register. After trying to figure things out on my own it really hasn't worked. I am disgusted in myself for letting myself get the way I am. Seeing myself getting bigger, or lately, not any smaller (maybe 1lb/week), doens't help my self esteem.

I decided that now is the time to get back to what I once was. I was once a person who played baseball, football, and other physical activities. When I graduated (highschool) I went to college and started working full-time and my physical activities started to diminish. I then turned 21 and found my lovely beer drinking habit that was easily 3-4 nights per week. The pounds added on quickly, and mixed with working a desk job and lack of excercize it just compounded over the last 2-3 years.

Since then, I also got married, and had my son. I want to change for myself, for my wife, and for my son. I want to be healthy when he starts running around or wanting to play sports. I don't want to be winded or tired. I want to be motivation and inspiration to him. I know it will take time, but I am going to give it my best shot.

In addition, my wife is about 30lbs heavier than she was before she got pregnant. She was 135 before she was pregnant (perfect for her body), went up to 185lbs, then was down to 150lbs a month after birth. Now, she is back up to 165lbs. I try to talk about our issues and she pushes them aside. The last thing I want her to feel is unattractive to me as that may make matters worse. What I am trying to do is lead by example. That way if I am getting in better shape it may inspire her to join me - which will be difficult when we have a 17 month old. What is truly depressing is that my wife gave herself 1 year to get back to her prepregnancy weight... and she is way passed that year and in worse shape now... she won't awknowledge it. :(

Anyways, I quit smoking 6 days ago. I have done this numerous times and I actually start smoking about 2 weeks after in most circumstances. After 4-5 days I start coughing like crazy and these nasty plegm balls come up. It is really gross, but it happens. I usually will then get the sweats really bad and I get sick. As soon as I light up those symptoms go away. I am not sure what the hell is wrong with me... but I hope that my workout routine will compliment my (future) healthier lungs.

I've heard people say I have a "great frame" for lifting, but not quite sure what they meant. I am one of those people that have "chicken legs" that look very toned and then have broad shoulders and a larger upper body. My fat isn't anywhere below my plumbing. It's all in my mid section, upper chest, and small love handles. I feel like it is all going to the same location... and I started to get small stretch marks. :eek:

Here are my hurdles. I have very flat feet and running is painful. I can walk many miles, but that gets boring to me. If I run the impact will make my feet sore around the mile mark. On the other hand, I love biking and would rather bike 10 miles than run 1. I also had hand surgery when I was a baby and my hand strength is going to be less than the rest of you. This also makes free weights extremely hard to deal with - which means I get to use machines. I don't have a home gym or any weights for home so that means I will use what Lifetime can provide me.

With that being said here are my vitals:

25 years old
BMI: No idea
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 233.5lbs
Waist: 40-42 :(

My diet right now is based on losing some weight. I eat what my wife gives me. I know it is based around some Weight Watchers point system. I eat the same thing 5 days per week. Here it is:

Breakfast (8:30am): 1 whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and whole apple.

Lunch (12pm): 2 slices of wheat bread, 2 slices of Kraft singles, very light layer of light mayo, slices turkey. 10 baby carrots and 10 grape tomatos with hummus (?) dip. 7 small crackers with sliced cheese (sorta like Lunchables), and one light strawberry yogurt.

Dinner (6pm): Usually some sort of pasta, chicken breast, some meal with ground turkey meat, some sort of steamed veggies, and I usually overeat on those bread biscuits (I love bread!)

I then drink lots of water throughout the day (7-8 bottles worth). If I am hungry at night it is usually some sliced veggies or popcorn. I never eat past 8:30pm at night.

This diet has worked wonders for the past 8 weeks. My max weight was 255lbs and now I am at my 233.5lbs. In a given week I can fluctuate from 231-236. I felt extremely healthy at 200lbs, however, seeing some people of my height around 175lbs seems rather small.

My goal would be to shed the fat and then gain some muscle. I have no intent on being huge, but I'd like to be more than cut or "skinny".

I hope this helps... if there is any information you need just let me know. My meals are pretty much set in stone everyday as my wife eats the exact same meal. She makes our lunches before she goes to bed every night and makes them at the same time. If I need more of something please try and cater to what I have listed so far!


John, Congrats on being here. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one fighting the beer battle. I do love my beer but drank much of it out of boredom at night when I had nothing to do. As you said, the pounds packed on. I went from 190lbs and quite lean 8-10 years ago to a whopping (lol) 241.5 lbs yesterday morning. So, I feel your pain.

I think one of the main things for now would be to simply keep exercising. Your diet seems pretty low fat but not sure if it's enough calories for you. You don't want to starve yourself and shut down your metabolism. Hit the weights. I'm not sure what "lifetime" is but no matter if they have machines, dumbbells or whatever, you can benefit from it. The more muscle you build, the more calories you will burn at rest. Muscle is living tissue and requires nutrition (calories) to nourish it. So, increasing muscle mass will help you with your weight loss.

Anyway, I've got to get out of here and get some work done. Keep up the forum and we'll keep each other honest and focused. Fight the beer!! I know the urge is strong but you are stronger, just ask Chillen. He is the ULTIMATE MOTIVATOR. So, if you don't think you are strong enough, just ask him, he'll let you know. Good luck and keep posting, Greg