Here is my introduction. Prepare for a snoozefest ;)


New member

Hello to everybody, my name is Hannah and I am currently 21 years of age.
I am not an all too interesting person, but this is because I have been fighting an on/off battle with a chronic health condition, that to this day, is still undiagnosed and I am still going through tests and back and forth to the hospital! So, why does this link to anything about weight loss? Well...
One of my most recent tests was a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), that showed I have a raised Intracranial Pressure. This points to a rare condition called Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension )or psuedotumar cerebri).
It is known that in SOME cases, weight loss generally lessens symptoms and can sometimes even put you into full remission. So that is why I am here. Don't get me wrong, I actually don't expect weight loss to help me. Nothing with this condition is definite. Some lose their vision completely, some people, like me, have no visionary problems, some don't even get the headache, which is the number one symptom!
However, I'm not a newbie to dieting and fitness and all this stuff.
January 2014, I joined Slimming World and went on to shift 3 stone in just 30 weeks, I was so proud, and I felt great! But slowly, the weight crept back on, as it always, always does. But it was happening in such an on and off slow process, that I didn't really realise until it was all too late.
I can no longer attend Slimming World, for several reasons, but for the last two to three months I have been trying to regain my focus and get my head back in the game but I keep failing!
So I sat and thought to myself, "what am I missing?" and I realised. It is the community and the group therapy that I was lacking. Sharing stories, ups and downs, highs and lows with all the other people in my former SW group - it helped!
So here I am, wanting to make friends, and swap stories, inspire and motivate, and be inspired and motivated in return. I am here to help myself, but would love to help others too!
I would appreciate maybe finding somebody, with some form of illness or health condition, who might be more understanding to my personal situation. It is hard to feel like you're the odd one out, so to find a fellow spoonie would be great! :D
My boyfriend, who is my absolute rock, and my favourite person in the world, has now noticed my weight gain, and although he still loves me, I know I wouldn't be best pleased if he gained the weight I have! He's never nasty about it and he will continually support me through every single thing that happens to me.
I want to make him proud, I want to feel nice again, I want to remind him that I am still me, and of course, I want to try losing weight to rid myself of some of my health issues and symptoms! So here we go again...

Yet another fresh start,
Hopefully people willl join me along the way...

Lots of love, and thank you for having me! :)

Hannah x
Welcome to the forum :)

you will get the most support from this forum if you start a thread in the diary section.
Thank you, I'll make sure to have a good browse all over.
Don't want to do things wrong and post in the wrong places.
Could you please tell me how I edit my profile, to give myself a signature?
Sorry and thanks again! :)
You can add a signature after you have been a member for a little while and made 10 posts