Weight-Loss Hemp



New member
Benefits of hemp? I know there are some...I just don't remember what they are or what is in it that is beneficial.

No, I don't smoke pot. I eat things like Nature's Path HempPlus granola. Just to clarify. :p
Lol. No, why? Are you asking from experience?
I seriously stopped smoking weed because I would go to McDonalds and get a hundred things. (I wasn't an addict or anything but I'd do it once a month maybe)

But sometimes I didn't eat hardly anything the whole day (like 500-1000 cal only) and blazed early so even if I put 1500 cal on I would be OKAY..=/. No fries though.

Chicken Nuggets actually aren't bad calorie-wise. Sodium's up there though lol.

Sorry, just went off on a huge tangent ^_^.
Hemp is rich in polyunsaturated oils - both omega 6 and omega 3, in a particular good ratio. Ground flax seeds or flax oil is good for topping up omega 3 deficiency, but hemp seeds/oil are good for then maintaining a healthy ratio of omega 6/3.

Omega 3 and 6 oils are essential fatty acids (EFA), of which most people (according to nutritionists) are deficient. These EFAs are essential nutrients like various vitamins and minerals, and cannot be made by the human body - we should be consuming more of them, especially omega 3. The body uses these 'good fats' for a variety of tasks in the body, and its believed that they for example, can help weight control, despite their high calorific values.
I've been looking at hemp seeds as a way to get the omega 3 (and possibly omega 6) that my diet is lacking. How many - or what weight - should I have to eat a day to make sure I get the required amounts of these EFAs?
Flax oil is perhaps better at topping up our omega 3 defiency. Buy really good quality - dark bottle, organic, cold-pressed, and keep it in the fridge. Two tablespoons per day are recommended but only for a month or two. I haven't tried it yet, but flax seeds are a great alternative. You need to ground them with a small mill.

By the way, OT, I should have said that the oils can be damaged during processing ie hemp into some kind of processed breakfast cereal.
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Sorry, I should have explained myself better. It isn't a temporary omega 3 deficiency until I sort it out through my diet. I'm vegetarian, and hence don't eat fish, so I need another source of omega 3. I was considering hemp seeds as something I could buy unprocessed and add to one of my meals (breakfast maybe) as a permanent thing. I've done some research on them and it looks like they've got a lot of other good things in them besides omega 3 and 6.

I'm prepared to use flax oil as a temporary measure, but I already take 2 vitamin supplements, and I'd rather add new foods than more supplements to my diet.