

New member
Joining a gym (Blink) in January and I'm kind of at a loss for what routines are best to lose weight, so looking for a bit of guidance.

I also intend on meal planning as well. I m 28, about 185 lbs, and 5 7 ish. My goal weight would be 135-140.
I have had some recent success walking on the treadmill but on an incline. Started at 2.4 mph, 3% incline and now 15 weeks later doing 2.8 mph, 9% incline. I've increased my intensity every 2-3 weeks. My heart rate is high and I recover perfectly. I am not a runner, so that was not going to happen. I have lost almost 21 lbs (as of 3 weeks ago), from size 20W to now a loose 16M. I also am highly aware of every single carb that I consume! I still eat them, but stick to fruit, tortillas, occasional ice cream. (Okay, some wine too... lol!)

Do you have a good reason to wait? Regardless, good luck come January!!
Congrats on what you have accomplished so far! I have quite a few things happening this month..major oral surgery happening tomorrow, so I know that beginning in January I will be able to dedicate time to it. Thank you for the tips!
Hi Kelly. Fitness is just 10% of weight loss. 40% is eating properly and 50% is THINKING properly.
You have to achieve mind resilience which will help you become consistent and disciplined.
Congrats on what you have accomplished so far! I have quite a few things happening this month..major oral surgery happening tomorrow, so I know that beginning in January I will be able to dedicate time to it. Thank you for the tips!

Godspeed with the surgery!!