i am 13 about to be 14 should i take protien?

thanks and please replyy

Kelly, that's hard to say without knowing anything else about your diet... Give us some more info...
I am no expert but...

This seems like pretty shaky ground to me. Odds are you aren't going to hurt yourself with the protein, but without knowing your current intake I would be pretty hesitant. Chances are if you don't know your current eating habits you could benefit more (at least at first) by nailing down your current intakes and making adjustments towards a healthier overall diet (without worrying with additional protein for now).

I'm not sure you could find a good recommended daily allowance for protein at 14 years old either. It's hard enough to find that information (if not impossible) even for adults. One person says a gram per pound another says a gram per kilo and yet another will say 80 grams is perfect (like it's some magic number). It does of course vary by the person and by the lifestyle the person leads. I don't personnally buy into any of the above three formulas due to different activity levels and body composition of various people.

I would say if you have some major reason for thinking you should supplement your diet with additional protein you should first speak with your physician and see if he/she agrees. At least then you will have a good medical opinion rather than the opinions of each of us on this forum who do not likely have experience with the subject.

On a related side note:
I know when I was 14 I had no thoughts at all of spending money on protein or any other supplements. I was way too interested in golf and video games for any of that.
protein powder is just food. its not magic.
at 14 though, you're growing a lot, so I wouldn't obsess about getting all muscled up, as you're fighting your own metabolism at this age...growth spurts, puberty, etc.

be active, eat right, but don't obsess about it.
butt i could lift weights right? like 6 days a week

Yes you can lift weights... You should also do some cardio training... Cross training is great at your age, participate in sports, they are fun and get/keep you in shape.

Oh, and don't forget flexibility... stretch, stretch, stretch... flexibility is a life long need... I bet if you took a poll most of the guys on this site wish they would have paid more attention to flexibility at a younger age... I know I do...

Remember have fun, don't obsess... healthy mind, health body...
Kelly, I waisted a lot of money on supplements when I was young. I tried everything, but my metabolism was in overdrive well in to my 20's. I couldn't put on a pound and I was fortunate enough to have the Army bodybuilding champ in our supply room. He tried to help, but we are all different and some of us are not meant to be huge... We are just trying to tell you to save your money, look at your diet first, get that healthy and balanced and once you stop growing then give the supplements a shot...
Kelly, I waisted a lot of money on supplements when I was young. I tried everything, but my metabolism was in overdrive well in to my 20's. I couldn't put on a pound and I was fortunate enough to have the Army bodybuilding champ in our supply room. He tried to help, but we are all different and some of us are not meant to be huge... We are just trying to tell you to save your money, look at your diet first, get that healthy and balanced and once you stop growing then give the supplements a shot...

Sorry, have to disagree with you there. Even though I agree with the fact Kelly is too young for supplements, that doesn't mean she/he can't overcome his/her metabolism.

Even though Kelly's metabolism is in "overdrive" if Kelly is dedicated to getting big, then she can get big. If that means Kelly has to eat 6000-7000 cals a day, then so be it. It can be done. As chillen likes to hi is your "wanto-meter".

But..your can get all the nutrients you need from clean food ..don't waste cash on supplements at that age.
6-7K cals, you better get some weight gainer powder.

For the protein powder, if your diet is lacking protein, then that may be the way to go.
soo what do you guys sugggest my diet should be like how many meals a day?

and should i drink weight gainer? ex seriouse mass
thanks for the site it says that i would have to be having 2400 cals a dayy '
and in the diet categories how many should i eat out of them?

Good morning, Kelly. Read the folllowing links, they willl assist you, young man:

Go here and read on some basic and fundamental information:

Weight Training 101

Mreik-per-your-request-nutritional ]Mreik per your request, Nutritional sticky

Weight Training Technical Articles

How to get abs guide

Sigs food List

Go here for some thoughts on the mental side:

Weight Loss Intricate

The ChillOut Log by Chillen
(allot of pages to go through, but there IS good information that may help you if you take the time to seek it)


These links should get the "road started"

I am here to help you in any way I can to "assist" you in your personal success and so are many other persons on this forum. You have come to the right place to seek help and advice.

Peace and happiness to ALL! ROCK ON! :)

I wish you the best in all that you in life and in fitness,


i am 13 about to be 14 should i take protien?

thanks and please replyy

I highly doubt it.

I've got 4 teens ....if you eat anything like they do ( i.e eating seemingly 24 / 7 :) ) you're probably getting more than enough protein to meet your needs simply from all the food you eat.

I'm with malkore on this one, simply " be active, eat right, but don't obsess about it " and you should be fine.;)
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