
I need advice on where I need to go in regards to my nutrition and workout routine.

I am a 28 year old male, I'm 6'2, 232 pounds, with approximately 28-32% bodyfat. When I was 17 I joined the United States Marine and served four years, I then served an additional 5 years as a police officer. While I was in the service my weight was always around 195-205, I was slender, athletic and in runner shape. In 2008 my weight got up to around 220, I was still pretty fit but gained extra fat and body weight from all the bad stuff I was putting in my body. I have never really lifted weights especially heavy weight. My legs, arms, and neck are skinny and I have always carried my extra weight in my belly, chest, and sides.

Here is where things got worse.... After I got out of law enforcement and began doing a less physical career my weight skyrocketed. In late 2014 I weighted 255 and in early 2016 my weight got out of control and I was at a staggering 270 with probably high 40's body fat percentage. I knew it was time for a change and in April of 2016, I started a strict calorie retriction, healthy eating diet and I am now at 232 with hivh 20's low 30's body fat percentage. My weight loss has plateaued and now I need advice on where to go from here.

I really want to start lifting weights to get bigger and stronger, however I'm worried I will get bigger and stronger but will still have the excess fat covering it all up. Furthermore, I know that to life heavy and pack on muscle I will have to significantly increase my caloric intake and I'm worried that will negatively affect the work I've done losing almost 40lbs.

So should I continue dieting and do cardio untilI can lose another 25-30 lbs and then start lifting? Do I start lifting? Do I just do cardio? Do Iift and do cardio? What do I need to do? Where does my diet need to go? What should I be eating, how many calories? I know this may be alot but I am lost and where to go and what to do... Please help! Thank you!