

New member
I am looking to get in shape but I do not know where to start? I was 165lbs now I am 230lbs and sucking. Just looking to feel good again because I don't like being out of breath before I get to my front door.
First off, well done for taking the first step and deciding to start!

We all have different motives for wanting to get more healthy and fitter, but your reason is a major one. If you want some advice and guidance on where to start then send me a message, it is literally my job to help people with issues such as yours :)
Hi there
I would start with a visit to your doctor to know exactly where you stand.
From what I've learned so far in my master herbalist studies, a 6 week
effort on a vegan diet to get yourself started would be a good start. Your body would begin
to cleanse and start tracking toward its genetically designed weight target.
At that point you could bring back in the food items you felt you could not do without at this early
stage. As you progress, you could then see if you could begin to track more toward the vegan level.
What most of us, me included, don't want to hear is that we need more raw dark greens and almost
no animal protein. Please research this, I think you will find it accurate.
Hope this helps
I can totally relate.

I started with baby steps. Small changes, no chips, and a walk every night for a mile. Eventually I started walking longer, and then started a c25k to get where I am now.

It's so hard to find yourself out of breath and unhappy with where you've let yourself get to, but to me is was helpful to know that I could reverse what I had done. It was simple solutions, but not easy ones.