

New member
i was told to try the "harsh truth" section.

i'm 16 and i am a very picky eater. i don't like any vegetables - other than peas, corn, and potatoes. i'm pretty okay with fruits and meats. i don't eat as well as i should. i'd like to tone my stomach. i'm skinny, but i'd like to build some muscle.

i need some advice. i have a membership at the Y but hardly ever get to go. i need to excercise at home... and eat better also.

anyone out there that can help me? :confused:
I'm not one of the experts, but I imagine one of the first things they'll do is ask you for more info. Please read the sticky at the top, and try to follow the suggested format as much as possible. That will give them a good basis for advising you.

And welcome to WLF!