I’ve really enjoyed reading the forum and it seems that there is a lot of good advice. Something I am struggling with is developing a good workout plan for weight loss and toning. In college I was involved in track and field (a thrower), so I spent the majority of my time eating a lot and doing Olympic lifts (neither of which I want to do a lot of anymore). I am looking for anyone’s advice on how I can cut a lot of the weight I put on in college for track (I went from 195 to 240 over 4 years). Basically, like most people I am looking for a good program that helps me to shed 30-40 pounds over the next 6 to 9 months. I have read various articles on HIIT and other anerobic workouts but I feel pretty confused, especially with how they tie into lifting (do you lift and than do the interval training or do the interval training and than lift?) Also, what is a better way to lift – I don’t mind squatting but my days of hang cleans are done and I am trying determine if I should do 3-4 days of fully body work outs or rotate upper body, lower body. Any suggestions are more than appreciated.
Stats: Male, 5-11, 240 looking to go to 200 lbs
Stats: Male, 5-11, 240 looking to go to 200 lbs