Weight-Loss Help with what to eat?



New member
I just started a new diet yesterday, and I'm trying to lose 40 pounds in 4 months, so 10 pounds a month. I woke up late today, and I did exercises and ate oatmeal, blueberries, and drank green tea. It's now almost 4 in the afternoon and I realized that I have only eaten 136.2 calories, and with the exercise I did, I haven't had like any calories at all today. I have almost nothing in the house, and it's all either almost no calories, or lots of calories but really junky. What do I eat? I don't want to binge, but I don't want to be unhealthy and go into starvation mode or anything. Please help?

Oh and I'm 14 by the way.
You can have protein shake after your exercise. Then after 2-3 hours you can have fresh fruits for gaining vitamin C. For carbohydrates you van have bread and pasta. You can replace sugar with natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, agave and stevia to control your sugar level.
I had some result with veggies.

For example, I ride my bike almost every day for 40 min. Once i'm back, I eat some good veggies like small tomatoes, carrot, radish, cuccombers, etc.

You might not like vegetables, but try to ''make them taste better'' . You can buy a little garlic sauce, add some salt and peppers, just be creative. A good salads is as must as well.

Hope it helps,

If you follow a low-carbohydrates diet and stick mainly to proteins, fruits and vegetables, it will help to you to lose weight more quickly because your body does not have to break down all of those carbohydrates.

It can be dangerous to do this long term because it can raise your cholesterol level, but for quick weight loss, it can be very effective.
Originally Posted by vwfitness

If you follow a low-carbohydrates diet and stick mainly to proteins, fruits and vegetables, it will help to you to lose weight more quickly because your body does not have to break down all of those carbohydrates.

Can you expand on what you mean by this? For the most part, carbs are much more easily broken down than proteins or fats.