Sport Help with the new me

Sport Fitness
Hi everyone, I signed up here about a year and a half ago and completely forgot about it. Since that time I've gotten a new job where I'm much less active and I gained close to 40 lbs. I know my poor diet, basically candy and fast food on a regular basis is the main cause of that but my inactive life style is also a culprit.

But something clicked for me over the weekend and Monday I decided to start eating healthier and exercising. My diet consists of a small bowl of Wheaties with fat free milk and a glass of orange juice. Also in the morning I take a mens one a day MV and two Osteo Bi Flex pills. Lunch is turkey, one slice of American cheese, and mustard on whole wheat. Dinner is two salmon and basil Lean Cuisines that equal 440 calories. I think my dailycaloric intake is roughly 1400-1600 calories.

Tonight I walked, with a little jogging at the end, on the treadmill for 40 minutes. I figure I need to build up my wind and leg endurance a bit before I try jogging around outside. Any tips on exercise and diet would be much appreciated. I'm gonna read the nutrition 101 sticky as well.

Also can someone make sure I did the BMR math correctly? I'm a male, 25 yo, 67" tall, 216 lbs. I came up with 2574.096 as my BMR, so that means to lose weight I should eat roughly 2000-2100 calories a day? Sorry if you get this question a lot, I'm just ready to change my lifestyle and bodyweight and I want to make sure I do it correctly. Thanks all, I look forward to learning from you and being a positive contributor here.
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Here you go DP:

The Harris-Benedict formula:
Weight (in kilograms) if you weigh 180 pounds, 180 / 2.2 = 82 kilograms
Height (in centimeters), if your height is 5' 10" which equals to 70 inches, then 70 X 2.54 = 177.8 cm.
Gender (Female or Male)
Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 X wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) - (6.8 X age in years)
Women: BMR = 655 + (9.564 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) - (4.7 X age in years)

Take BMR number and multiply the activity factor number:

Sedentary = 1.2 (i.e. desk job, driving, etc.)
Lightly active = 1.4 (i.e. low intensity exercise, slow walking a few days a week)
Fairly active = 1.6 -1.8 (i.e. running)
Very active = 2.0 - 2.1 (i.e. sprinting, resistance training)

The Katch -Mcardle formula: (You must know your lean body mass)
1. Change your lean body weight in pounds to lean body weight in kilograms. (Divide your current lean bodyweight in pounds by 2.2.) Lean Bodyweight In Pounds / 2.2 = Lean Bodyweight in Kilograms (kg)
2. Calculate your BMR. BMR = 370 + (9.79759519 X Lean Mass in pounds)

TDEE is calculated by multiplying your BMR by your activity multiplier from the list below:

Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
Moderately active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
Congratulations on your decision to pursue a healthy lifestyle. What has worked for me is regular exercise and eating 6 times per day in moderate portions.

I would cut out all candy and also get rid of the orange juice. Replace the OJ with water, coffee or skim milk.

Eat lots of fruit. Over time you will think of fruit first, when you start feeling hungry.

Eat lots of fish. Over time, you will think more about fish as an evening meal, rather than red meat.

Eat lots of green veggies. Peas, broccoli, asparagus and spinach (cooked and raw) are among my favorites.

Cut back or eliminate potatoes (chips, fries, mashed, baked, etc.), and shift towards rice and pasta in moderate portions.

Best of luck with your journey. Keep it up!