Help with testosterone

Hi over there:

Well I just want to know if any of you know a product to increase my testosterone levels but I’m not interested in anabolic. I don’t want it to get pretty big, well not too much I just do it to get a manly look.

MY advise, stay away from all that CRAP, good nutrition and hard work in the gym, is the best supplement. ========WORK HARD AND EXPECT RESULTS!
As tenreps said, most of the natural products out there are a load of CRAP. Tribilus etc is BS IMO.

Hard training and good diet will increase test levels on it's own. The only other route (which does work) are using AAS (steroids), but thats another story ;)
If you think you have lower than average testosterone levels, the ONLY way to fix it is through your doctor.

chances are your test levels are fine, and you're just not doing anything to achieve 'a manly look'.