Sport Help with Snacks?

Sport Fitness
Hi guys, I've never posted on a forum ever, I don't know where to post or how to or if I'm even doing this correctly, anyhow, Anyone have any tips to stop eating junk foods? I've done a good job eliminating all types of drinks (I now drink only water), and getting rid of fast food... I'm having a hard time with cutting down on junk food like chips, any advice? Thanks, really appreciate it.
As you might have noticed in the process of cutting out fast food and non-water beverages (PS unless you're lactose intolerant I really don't recommend cutting out unflavoured dairy), you don't break a habit, you change a habit. I bet you drink a lot more water now than you did before, amirite?

So, the same applies with snacks. The fact that you eat snacks isn't a problem, but what you eat is. So prepare yourself with an arsenal of healthy snack choices: fruits, nuts and dairy tend to fit well as snacks when vegetables, meat and grains make up your main meals. I personal find fruit very unfilling (due to being mostly sugar and water), so I'll often wash it down with a glass of milk or chew on a handful of nuts with it. I don't eat much cheese or yoghurt, but both of these are fine candidates to add some satiety along with nutrients.
Completely off subject, but you should add some green tea into your diet.

I agree with Ryan. Don't think of it as "cutting out". Think of it as "replacing". I don't know what your goals are as far as working out(building muscle or just losing weight), but I love to snack on apples with natural peanut butter, for example, or celery with natty pb. That's a much better alternative to chocolate milkshakes haha.

Some guys will also tell you that when you feel a snack hunger coming on, chug a glass of water to get the feeling of being full to avoid having to eat anything.