Help with prank

At the gym I go to...on Valentine's Day, one of the most popular spin-instructors (a guy) plays some romantic music and towards the end of class goes around to each bike and hands-out a rose, candy or some cute item to all the girls. He understandably passes on the guys.

I was thinking...there's about 7-10 guys in the class, would it be funny for me to pick-up a 12-pack of beer and give each guy a beer to hand to the instructor as he passes by? I'm just looking for a cute laugh, any ideas?
I'd LOL if you tagged onto the instructor and gave every guy he missed out a bottle of beer tbh :)

Thats pritty good idea..
Omfg, that would be HILARIOUS BSL. Make sure to get some manly beer and NOT Foster or wine cooler.
The spin bikes have these rails/brackets in front of them...2 areas for water bottles, some handles to hold onto, and everyone drapes towels over them.

I'm thinking about buying a 12-pack of beer and then, before class, handing each guy a bottle and telling him to conceal it under his towel. When the instructor, towards the end of class, gets up and starts handing-out flowers and chocolates to each girl...I figure each guy can hand him a beer.

There's 60 bikes in the class and the whole class is filled. There are only like 6-8 guys total (cause it's mid-week, Wednesday at 9:15am)....but the instructor may have his hands full with the roses/chocolates so he may just blow-off the beers. I'm thinking each guy can say "BEER my valentine".

A condom attached? Nahhh...a bit tacky.

Giving each guy he passes a beer? That's a funny idea....but there are only a few guys in the class and I'd be walking behind him seemingly doing nothing. I was thinking of out-doing him and giving each girl something nicer, or even recruiting the other guys to help....but that's too involved. I'm just looking for the simple & effective prank of sorts. Ya know, keeping it simple & funny.
I have no idea if they allow beer in the gym...I'm just gonna bring it in my gym bag, give each dude a beer and have us all hand the instructor a beer as he hands out flowers/chocolate to the girls.

Handing-out one to each guy..I dunno, has some weird connotations. The instructor will say "have fun with all your friends" and I'll be owned. I'm gonna pass on that one.

I think I'm pretty set with handing back beers to the instructor. Ya know, always looking for the laugh. :D
I'd LOL if you tagged onto the instructor and gave every guy he missed out a bottle of beer tbh :)

I'm with Curtis, I think you should hand the beers out to the other guys, not the instructor.

If the gym doesn't allow beers, then try picking up some bottle openers.