Sport Help with nutrition plan

Sport Fitness
Hello all, this is my first post on this forum. I need some help figuring out what kind of diet I should start. I'm not up on all the dieting trends and the like, but I do know basics e.g. what protein/carbs/fats/cals are, etc.

I plan on running a marathon in March. Currently I am following Hal Higdon's Novice Supreme running schedule. In order to keep from becoming too scrawny I have been doing the some calisthenics routines to keep from getting too skinny: Armstrong pullups, Marine Corps Crunch Workout, Iron Dungeon 100+ Pushups.

My Stats: Male, Age 17, 5'10", 125lbs, ~12% bodyfat. The various calculators tell me my maintenance calories are ~2000/day. I go to school part time and my job is standing but very easy. My calisthenics are M-F and I run Tues-Wed-Thurs-Sat. I think I need more but I'm not sure.

I want to just get in well balanced shape. The marathon is a big goal, but I don't want to lose too much fast twitch muscle if possible. I usually play semi competitive sports 1-2times a week (basketball, baseball, football, etc.). Basically I want to get a little bigger and also leaner. I want to build strength without getting too meaty.Thanks in advance for any help.

P.S. If anyone can suggest some more workout routines I would be greatful.
Is there at least some links someone can post to help me out with?
I think you should direct this post or re-post your question to the Weight Lifting section--there's a little more traffic there and tons of people who are really experienced with these types of questions. I can give you general advice about strength training, but I really don't understand how to manipulate fast twitch/slow twitch muscle fibres and don't want to mess up your marathon goals!

Most of the really experienced people already have a good handle on nutrition, so there are less of them hanging around on this sub-forum...:) Good luck!
GG- Thanks for the input I will try my luck there.

Lime- My goal isn't to win the marathon, it is just to be able to complete it. I'm not trying to become a competitive distance runner. It's just one of those things I want to do.
yes, winning aside, you want to be in the shape to run 40k, while getting bigger and maintaining fast twitch fibers ? those are going to be very difficult to do at the same time
I understand where you are coming from, but are you saying that these things can't be done in moderation? Like a balance in fast/slow twitch?