Help with new routine

I am a 16 yr old male and i need help with a new workout routine. I have made some little routines for myself before but i have seen that they don't help much so that is why I'm asking other people to help me. My goal is to gain muscle strength and mass.
This is my routine right now:
Bicep Curls-5(sets)x10(reps)
Preacher Curl-5x6
Seated Dumbell curl-4x8
concentration curls-3x8 with each arm
dips-3xfailure or 3x10
tricep pull downs-3x10
overhead pulls-3x10
Pyramid Bench press-start with 60 at 10 reps and go up weight and down rep
shoulder press-3x10
lateral raises-3x10
front raises3x10
leg raises-2x25
bicycle excerise-2x30 seconds(this is the one you lay on your back and go from right elbow to left knee then vies versa)
Legs-Leg press 2x12

Right now thats my routine and it doesn't seem to be helping much so I hope one of you can help me change it and set me on a better path of getting stronger and bigger. If you wanna discuss anything off the forums my email is thanks for the help
That is a LOT of isolation excersises. You are basing your hole workout on excersises that should be done 1-2 a week as a cherry on the cake type excersise. But it's ok, almost everyone started out like this:). Drop the dumbbells and pick up a barbell.

You have the right idea about doing a fullbody routine, you just need to do compound lifts which put the strain on your body as a hole instead of one particular muslce and joint.

Try something like:

Squats - 8 reps : 3 sets
Romanian Deadlift - 8:3
Barbell Curl - 8:3
Military Press - 8:3
Bent-over Row - 8:3
(Optional) - You can put an isolation excersise here for anything if you really wish to

Lift about 50-70% of your 1RM (maximum lift, one rep).
Every second day.
Warmup and strech for 10 mins before excersising.

Good luck!
Training to failure is not really a good idea. Search full body workouts in search bar, that will give you a good idea of what to do.
That is a LOT of isolation excersises. You are basing your hole workout on excersises that should be done 1-2 a week as a cherry on the cake type excersise. But it's ok, almost everyone started out like this:). Drop the dumbbells and pick up a barbell.

You have the right idea about doing a fullbody routine, you just need to do compound lifts which put the strain on your body as a hole instead of one particular muslce and joint.

Try something like:

Squats - 8 reps : 3 sets
Romanian Deadlift - 8:3
Barbell Curl - 8:3
Military Press - 8:3
Bent-over Row - 8:3
(Optional) - You can put an isolation excersise here for anything if you really wish to

Lift about 50-70% of your 1RM (maximum lift, one rep).
Every second day.
Warmup and strech for 10 mins before excersising.

Good luck!

Yeah, good post. Stick to 3x8. Try doing some pressups and pullups on your off days too.
Thank you, i kinda figured my routine was a bit to much isolution I will defenitaly try your routine though, the only thing i was wondering is, is it enough. It's only 5 exercises but it does workout the entire body. Will the feel it the next day with these excersises?
Thank you, i kinda figured my routine was a bit to much isolution I will defenitaly try your routine though, the only thing i was wondering is, is it enough. It's only 5 exercises but it does workout the entire body. Will the feel it the next day with these excersises?

Since you are coming of isolation machine excersises i guarantee you will feel it the nexy day, provided you are lifting a decent amount (50 - 70% of your 1RM). After the first week you should not be feeling it too much, which isn't a bad thing at all. Don't worry about it being "only 5 excersises" it's enough to hit all the big muscles and your workouts will be more fruitfull. You will get some good begginer gains in this routine.

P.S. I forgot to put Bench Press on the list, thats a good excersise to throw in the mix too.
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