Help with my running please 1.5 mile

Ok i have just run 1.5 miles and my time was 12 minns 30 secs i need to get my time down to 11.30 its for the british army fitness test.
But the problem is i only have till this tue to do i have just giveing up smoking that will help.
Does any 1 have any good ways to cut that min out remmber i only have till tuesday.
Please help.
Ithought about running 3 miles from now on would that help.
I only usally do 1.5 but never timed my self till today any help i would be most gratfull.
Thanks very much SA80

Welcome to the board!

This coming Tuesday?? Holy smokes! Normally this is a HUGE order! You need time to make this kind of change. The truth is, this one is gonna be all will-power. You have to want to succeed. Psych yourself up like never before!

Ok, don't run on Monday... You will need this time to recover.

You are currently running an 8.35 minute mile (7.2 MPH). You need to turn that into a 7.65 minute mile (7.8 MPH)

Follow this for EVERY day listed below: Warm-up and down very good and stretch afterwards. Take protein after your run. Get plenty of water and Gatorade. Ice any sore joints for 20 minute spurts every 2 hours!

Thursday: 3 miles @ 6.5 MPH (9.2 minute mile)
Friday: 440 yard sprints (6 of them with a 2 minute break between runs) (take protein)
Saturday: 3 miles @ 6.5 MPH (9.2 minute mile) (take protein)
Sunday: 3 miles @ 6.75 MPH (8.9 minute mile) (take protein)
Monday: Rest! (eat high protein and high complex-carbs)
Tuesday: Eat well for breakfast (high complex-carbs)

On Tuesday, do not eat after 2 hours before your run. But, drink a good amount of water!

Good freakin' luck bro!

I am a bit worried about taking to much protein as i get a urine sample and it will show up to much protein will it not.?
But thanks for the rest of the advice mate.
SA80 said:
O what do you mean spurts every two hours?
Ice the area for 20 minutes. Then, stop icing for 2 hours allowing the healing process to work. After 2 hours are up, ice for another 20 minutes. Repeat this as often as you can!

Also, never keep an ice pack directly on your skin. Place a thin layer of cotton (dish towel, etc) between the ice and your pained body part.

A good way to make an ice pack is:
1 part (1 cup) rubbing alcohol
2 parts (2 cups) water
Mixed together inside a 1 gallon zip lock bag. Stick this bag inside another ziplock and freeze!

This ice pack will be frozen and yet formable to body parts (because the alcohol won't allow it to freeze 100%). Sort of a firm slushiness.

When you apply the pack, use an ace bandage to wrap the ice onto the painful joint. Since the pack will be a little bit moldable, this will allow the ice to shape around your joint and the bandage will assure proper transfer of the cold!


Don't forget about the will power part. That is the key. If you REALLY want this then grab it by the balls and run with it!

You can do it,
sorry mate i did not met it it was raining hard and i was up to my ankles in mud and it was very windy i got 13 mins i get another shot in 3 months sorry to keep you waiting.
how can i stop my musles from being sore some days its like i cant walk any tips rip please cheers mate.
You have to stretch before and after running. Another good idea is to walk for a few minutes each time before you start to run. And wear comfortable shoes.
Yes, walk at least 5 minutes before and after your runs. And, stretch a little before running (just after wrm-up walk) and after your warm-down walk.

Also, try self-sport specific massage shortly after your run and streching. Just give a deep (hard) tissue massage to your quads, calves, and glutes. This helps to break up lactic acid and increase blood flow (which improves healing process).

Tough break on the weather. But, keep up the work and you will breeze through in 3 months!
