Help with my routine!

I'm only 17 and I do a couple small work outs at home.

Day 1
3 sets of 30 curls - 15 pound dumbbell
Day 2
3 sets of 30 push ups

I've been following that routine for a while, and I wanted to know how is it? Any suggestions or constructive criticism would be appreciated.
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I'm only 17 and I do a couple small work outs at home.

Day 1
3 sets of 30 - 15 pound dumbbell
Day 2
3 sets of 30 push ups

I've been following that routine for a while, and I wanted to know how is it? Any suggestions or constructive criticism would be appreciated.

It is good to read some of the stickies (if you know where to locate them), and there is a sticky which provides information on what to post when wanting particular questions answered here:


1. What are your personal fitness goals (i.e. increase a little muscle, lose some body fat, etc, etc.)?

2. What equipment do you have available? Access to a gym?

Dependent on this, will depend on how advice is given........on setting up your own fitness routine/program.

Best wishes,

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Sorry, I'm rather new to the forums and didn't know where to look.

I am about 5, 11 at 136 pounds.

I want to get cut and get bigger.

All I have are 15 pound dumbbells and no access to a gym.
Take Chillen's advice and read around a bit. In short, curls and pushups alone won't do a heck of a lot. Need to hit the legs, back and some of the larger muscles. Essentially, find a routine that works more of your body will be more effective.
What are your goals??? (gain muscle, lose fat, better conditioning etc)

Do you have access to weights or a gym???

Push ups, chin ups, bodyweight squats, supermans, chinnies (called air bike in the bodyweight exercises link i posted).

Theres a full body workout you can do 3 times per week. Mon, wed, fri.

Workout for about an hour each time. start with a 5 miute warm up of running or biking or something that will get you loosened up and ready to go as well as a few light warm up sets of each exercise.

Then do 3 sets of each exercise for almost as many reps as possible. then finish each workout with 2 or 3 circuits of burpees, jumping jacks and any other Calisthenics or cardio options you choose.

Start with this for a few weeks and read the info in the links here to learn a few things. Report back with questions and or ideas after doing this for a while. - Mike Mahler - Bodyweight Exercises For Size & Strength!

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Now THAT'S the kind of post you needed, but that I simply didn't have time to commit to. +1 to you, sir.