Help with lift/HITT routine


I have worked out quite a bit in the past, but never really got results. After taking a few years off, I am back at it and want to do it better this time.

My routine I have been using for a few weeks is:

Day A
Push Ups (100 pushup program-currently on week 3)
Flat dumbbell press (5x5)
Inclined dumbbell press (5x5)
Flat dumbbell flies (5x5)
Seated Dumbbell shoulder press (5x5)
Assisted Dips (5x5 on a gravitron machine)
Calf press machine (5x5)
HIIT (elliptical machine 25-30 seconds HI, 30-35 seconds low, 8-9 sets)

Day B
Upright rows with dumbbells (5x5)
Standing dumbbell arm curls (5x5)
Assisted Chin-ups (5x5 on a gravitron machine)
Laying Leg curls (5x5 on a machine)
Various core exercises (hyperextensions, leg lifts, windshield wipers, etc)

I try to do Day A on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Day B on Tuesday, Thursday, and saturday. Sunday I take off.

My problem is that Day A takes too long. I was in the gym for almost 2 hours today with it. I have the time right now, but I won't later, and I have read that it is bad to workout longer than about an hour.

I am also unsure where to put anything to work my quads. Day B would be the obvious choice, but I know I need a day off from using my quads during my HIIT workout the day before. Advice?

Thanks for the help.