I was wondering if there is a recommended supplement schedule i should follow on a daily basis. Like what suplements/vitamins should i be taking from the time i wake up in the morning till i go to bed at night. Im currently going to the gym every day with the exception of a day here and there. Im a 20 year old male. about 170 pounds at the moment (not sure if this makes a difference on what i should be consuming but there it is).
Any and all Suggestion will be much appreciated. I
I was wondering if there is a recommended supplement schedule i should follow on a daily basis. Like what suplements/vitamins should i be taking from the time i wake up in the morning till i go to bed at night. Im currently going to the gym every day with the exception of a day here and there. Im a 20 year old male. about 170 pounds at the moment (not sure if this makes a difference on what i should be consuming but there it is).
Any and all Suggestion will be much appreciated. I