Help With Daily Supplement Schedule. PLEASE

I was wondering if there is a recommended supplement schedule i should follow on a daily basis. Like what suplements/vitamins should i be taking from the time i wake up in the morning till i go to bed at night. Im currently going to the gym every day with the exception of a day here and there. Im a 20 year old male. about 170 pounds at the moment (not sure if this makes a difference on what i should be consuming but there it is).

Any and all Suggestion will be much appreciated. I


Ive noticed this thread has about 100 views...yet no responses. so maybe i wasnt clear enough as to what im trying to find out.

Id like to know...
-What supplement(s) to take when i wake up in the morning.
-What supplement(s) to take pre-workout,
-What supplement(s) to take post-workout
-What supplement(s) to take before bed.
-And any other supplements i should take throughout the day.

Like i said. im 20 years old. 170 pounds. i go to the gym on a daily basis.
You're putting WAY too much emphasis on supplements.
But to answer your question:
In the morning with breakfast, take a good multi-vitamin, and some fish oil caps wouldn't be a bad idea either unless you already eat plenty of salmon weekly.
Pre workout...not much here. Have a good pre-workout meal 60-90 minutes before training.
Post a good time for creatine monohydrate IF you like using it. Toss a teaspoon of it into your post workout protein shake.
Nothing before bed unless you need a sleep aid, but that shouldn't be a normal thing. ZMA isn't really all its cracked up to be so I wouldn't spend time with it. A glass of water and a solid meal like cottage cheese is good to keep you anabolic during sleep horus.
so your saying the only actual supplement i need during the day is a protein shake with creatin monohydrate in it after i workout? im currently taking a centrum ulta mens multi vita in the morning with breakfast and thats it.

Reading through the forums it just seems like people use and reccomend supplements right when they wake up, before they go to bed and pre workout. is none of that really needed?

Im sorry if im asking stupid questions. Im just starting to take my fitness and training more serious so i know next to nothing about all this stuff.

thanks man
Try to get as much of your protein and carbs from real food. If you need more protein, throw in a couple protein shakes during the day.

Skip any of the stupid NO-Explode type supplements that are nothing but stimulants and other garbage your body doesn't need. Most supplements are 95% marketing hype, and some people actually believe the crap they read on the labels.

Protein powder, maybe some creatine mono. No need to blow your cash on all the snake oil being sold that promises "explosive mind blowing gargantuan gains from using this space age formula guaranteed to give you high intensity workouts and quicker recovery times" blah blah blah
NO supplement is needed. Lookup the word 'supplement' means 'not necessary, but in addition to...'

If you really dedicated yourself you'd never need a shake or even a multi-vitamin.
Creatine is one of the few 'big hype' supps that does work IF you understand what it does and how it works. Crap like "NO2" products don't provide ANY actual benefits. And steer clear of 'pro hormones' and the like.

Many fat burners don't work either, and just contain caffiene and other stimulants.

Supplements can be very convenient, to the point of being a crutch. Many get by with little to no supps. Others go WAY over board.