Weight-Loss help with chocolate cravings?


Alyssa Autopsy

New member
i lost control yesterday and ate 674 calories of CHOCOLATE D: very bad for my diet! anyway, the only chocolate left in the house are kit kat bars and hershey's kisses, because of my pigging out yesterday. also, it doesn't matter if i stop buying chocolate, because my grandmother is also a chocolate fiend and has chocolate in the house ALL. THE. TIME. what i need help with is... how do i cut down on chocolate cravings? how do i say, "i know there is chocolate in the house, but i don't need any right now"? i try to tell myself that but it doesn't seem to work, i sit around dreaming of chocolate all day. i could easily eat nothing but chocolate all day and be happy... but it's causing harm to my "diet".
Hey ! I totally feel you; I love love chocolate and it is hard to control the craving. I can tell you what helped me. First I tried to allow myself to eat some but in small quantities (sometimes it didn't work as planned). So instead of telling myself no you can't have chocolate which made me worry a lot and think even more about it I was telling myself that it was o.k that have some. Another thing that helped was to eat dark or very dark chocolate and slowly, kind of letting it melt in your mouth (personally I cant just have a big bit of it). But I have to say the ultimate thing that helped me lose 25 pounds and my chocolate cravings were pure trim mediterranean truffles. They're only 25 calories and they fill you up like crazy ! And I paired it with chocolate shakes. So ultimately I switched my bad chocolates for good ones and I get to enjoy them whenever I want without feeling guilty or nervous about all the calories. Sorry if this post is a little long ! I have to say I am quite obsessed with chocolate !! Hope this can help you, this is what helped me get through it.
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Hi there, I'm the same as you a HUGE chocoholic! I could eat it for every meal and have it for snacks inbetween! Since I've been losing weight I find that the time I get my craving the most is in an evening. I now have a cup of cadburys highlights hot chocolate, it's only 40 calories a cup and really hits the spot and tastes gorgeous!
I love chocolate and it's really tough for me to have it in the house, but one thing that worked for me, like asp2303, was switching from milk chocolate to dark chocolate. At first I didn't care much for the dark chocolate, but less of it actually sates me (or as close to sated as I can manage when it comes to chocolate) faster than if I'm eating milk chocolate.
If you have a strong desire to eat chocolate i advise you eating dark chocolate but not heavily, because...

Chocolate lovers, rejoice! A nibble of dark chocolate here and there can slow down digestion so you feel full longer and eat less at your next meal.
Dark chocolate is full of MUFAs; studies show eating a diet high in these healthy fats can rev your metabolism to burn fat and calories. It may also help by curbing cravings for salt, sweet, or fatty diet-wreckers.