help with cardio equipment

Hi Everybody, just wondering if anybody can give me advice on a choice of cardio equipment. Our treadmill has packed it in and we need to replace it.
what do you all feel about treadmill versus elyptical; and any thoughts on the Bowflex treadclimber which is supposed to be a combination type of thing.
I love to run outdoors, but in the winter here sometimes that isn't possible.would the elyptical or treadclimber not be enough like running and maybe cause us to go backwards on our running progress, say if we happen to be forced to rely on indoor workouts for awhile due to weather.
I don't think I can afford to buy both right now, but whatever I get I want to be of good quality.....any brand suggestions?
sorry my post is so long...
I found the stairmaster (the thing that looks like an escalator going backwards) comes closest to real outdoor runnning in terms of conditioning and fat burning. They are pretty expensive, but in my opinion well worth it, even better if your local fitness center has one.
ok, Thanks for the info about stairmaster; I'll check into them....I haven't noticed they have one in the gym here; basically just treadmills, elipticals & bikes I think. For us going to the gym isn't as easy as working out at home since we live outside the city and the time we would spend driving can be spent working out.motivation isn't a problem; I really enjoy exercise and how great it makes you feel. Depending on what kind of winter we get here this year, this equipment may have to take the place of outdoor running for quite awhile. Would x-country skiing be a good thing to do along with a stairmaster?... ,also I've heard some people run x - country on a type of snow shoes?? This newbie appreciates all the good stuff on this forum !!