Sport Help With a newy

Sport Fitness
Hey every one this is my first post and would like to tell you what i eat so far.

For breakfast : 9 o'clock - 12o'clock
I would have 1 egg cooked on a pan with no oil;)
Other days i will have cereal, honeynut crunches or anyother brand.

Then i would do about 15 mins of skipping.

Then for the afternoon: 3o'clock - 5o'clock
i would most likly make my self a sandwhich with crisp.

skip for about hour out side not a full hour

Dinner 6 - 9
Well im indian so i would have mostly what my mum makes e.g indian food i mostly say make somethink heathly, with lentals in there or other stuff.
P:S.i drink bottles of water through out all of the day between and during meals.

Im 16, my height is 6ft and weight about 14 stones:eek: :confused: :mad:(i no im OVERWEIGHT bigtime and now i have free time im trying my best to get back)

So about 3 or 4 weeks ago i cuted out fizzy drinks! and soft drinks about a week ago. and all junk food, well most. i just found this site and thort i can gain ALOT of help from here i been through most topics and pleased with the responses :).

So what it is i want to know what im doin wrong and what im not.

i have another question as most of you members say count your caloie intake how do i do this with indian food? do i go back and find out what my mum puts in and add the list here and get help from you lovely people:).

I started doing sit ups but im not sure is that for toning my body. i have weights and mostly do arm and back excirses on that once every other day.

So if you lot have taken your time and read through my post:D would you be able to help me with a diet plan and diffrent excirses.

THANXS ALOT for the Help i would be reciving

Could i repost this in the weight lost section?
Thanxs for the link Cynic, Does any one know what i should do so i know how many calories i take in my diner with that been indian food?

And is my eating habbait bad, do i need to change it?
Also is doing sit ups for toning?

Thanxs for the great link cynic!
Nickz said:
Thanxs for the link Cynic, Does any one know what i should do so i know how many calories i take in my diner with that been indian food?

I'd say tally up what she puts in and estimate how much she serves up.

You should be eating six to eight times a day to charge up your metabolism.

And is my eating habbait bad, do i need to change it?
Also is doing sit ups for toning?

Your breakfast is no good. You need more protein. Have 2 whole eggs and whatever lean meat your faith allows. Also, oatmeal is good here.

Other good food choices for protein: cottage cheese, lamb, chicken, turkey (turkey is very good), yogurt, fish, eggs, other low fat cheeses.

Fat you want to control, but not eliminate.

I assume by being Indian, you're Hindu by faith, making beef off limits.
Hey Cynic im sikh, beef would still be off limits well i think that would be the only meat that would be of limits.Thanxs for the quick help.Okay apart from the breakfast i would need to serprate my meals which im doing today.

I started of with a sandwhich with turkey whole wheat bread salad and mayo.
Now you've given me a better example i will that that into note.

How long do i have to wait for the next meal about 2 hours?

Thanxs for the help! i will get back to you on how i got on today

Also i done my 15 mins of skipping lol.