Hello everyone. I have done well exercising and have gotten fairly good results. I've tried the whole 5 meal a day thing and can't really do it with my extremely busy schedule. I have changed what I eat and drink very much with good results. Can anyone help me come up with a simple and relatively inexpensive meal plan that will fall below 1900 calories? I'm not very picky, I just need help creating 2 or 3 variations that I can swap between so I don't get bored. I eat out a lot due to lunch meetings but I try to get the healthiest thing on the menu. Currently, I weight train for an hour 3 days a week, very soon I will start doing much more cardio and will probably do cardio on M, W and F, with weight training on Tue and Thurs. Obviously at that point my nutrition needs will also change. I'd greatly appreciate any help anyone can offer.