Help! Supplement Advice! Training for the Army!!!

I would like to start working out with supplements and was hoping I could get some advice from some experts, or at least people who know more on the subject than I, which is pretty much nothing.

I've been looking at's website trying to figure out which one(s) to start with. - What Are Your Bodybuilding Goals? Products Sorted By What They Do!

My scenario: I am training for the Army. My main issue right now is weight, I am at 265 lbs. and need to be around 200 lbs., I'm a 6'4", 27 year old male.

Other than loose the weight, I need to drastically improve my 2 mile run. Currently I run about a 11 minute mile, 22 minute 2 mile however my goal is to get it down to around 17 minutes.

In addition to loosing the weight and improving my run, I also have to improve my push-ups and sit-ups as they are also far below Army standards.

I completely understand that a good diet and a lot of exercise is absolutely necessary and I have implemented both. A few months back, I was much worse, around 280 lbs and could barely run a mile. I have stuck with my routine and feel I have reached the "point of no return". I was hoping however, there might be something more I can do to help speed along this long and arduous process. Something to increase my endurance, something to help with weight loss, something to help with the increase of muscle and/or something to help with increasing my energy as this is a big problem of mine as well.

So, knowing my situation and my goals, are there any supplements you guys might recommend over another? Or, perhaps a place where I can go in order to attain sage advice regarding my particular situation?

I really look forward to your help, I would like to make my purchase and add the supplements to my routine this coming Monday. Thanks again.
Supplements are the least of your worries imo. You need to increase your strength endurance a lot before you go to boot camp.
Wes, that kinda goes without saying doesn't it? I'm well aware of the requirements and where I stand in comparison. I appreciate your thoughts but as my post stated, I am interested in advice concerning supplements that will help while I continue to "increase my strength endurance a lot before I go to boot camp" as you suggested, something I am already doing. Unless I misunderstood and you are suggesting that supplements would be hurtful or pointless at my current state? I will say I appreciate the links you posted and will review them. Thanks.
There arent any supplements that ive found to boost the kind of endurance that you will need. Just good old fashion hard work and determination. Maybe others will disagree.

Good luck. :)
Cool man. okay here is the deal, keep working out and lose the weight. If you can walk / jog; keep it up and push yourself. Your running time will improve as you drop the weight and get more jogging time logged in. Think about it, you are doing an 11 minutes mile at 265 lbs!! Imagine how easy it will be once you are down to 200 lbs.

A few suggestion:
1) Stretch after warmup and again post workout
2) keep the diet extremely clean and aim to lost 1.5-3 lbs a week
3) if you need the energy drink coffee (black, if you can and skip on cream / sweetener)
4) it's a journey and marathon with peaks and valley so stay positive.

I'd would skip on the supplement from atm, I use that website as well. Most of the weight lost product are packed with tons of caffeine, so why not just drink coffee or tea? Remember the golden rule, if you lose it too easy, you may wind up gaining it back just as easy. Plus lots of hard work will condition you for the mental toughness and willpower for the mind as well while you condition the body.
Gotcha, seems like you both feel that supplements would be of no use to me, in my particular situation.

Just wanted to clarify though, do you guys believe in supplements at all? Like are you against supplements alltogether, feel that they don't really do anyone any good or do you simply think they wouldn't do ME any good?

You are aware that I am not thinking that with using supplements I will be getting the endurance, strength, weight loss or whatever in order to reach my goals insantaneously, right? I was looking for something to "supplement" my current work out and diet. You both feel that there really is nothing out there that would really be of any more use to me, any use at all, other than plain ol' coffee?

If so, that's fine, just wanted to be sure. Thanks again!