Hey guys, i got a question .. and looking for best response

so im aiming for a lean muscular physique.. "lean muscle" type body..

and ive been lifting for almost a year but i want to be lean ( 6-pack) and strong/ ripped.

I wanted to know which would be the best method to get the best body in lean muscualr type

1) All cardio and completely shed off the weight.. ( would lose some muscle mass, and would take lil longer) and after i get down to tht body weight then start lifting. and eat right

2) Keep Lifting and wen i get to the point of strength i like then shed off the weight by doing cardio only .. eat right

3) Combine both cardio and lifting , for ex. Monday Cardio Tuesday Lift. and so on and eat right

Which would show the best results and way i should go.???
FWIW, NAVY Seals do a lot of cardio and a lot of lifting and they all have 6-packs.
which method of the ones listed should i do for the best "lean muscular" body type.

i want the best approach of the ones stated for the best results.