help please

ok i have been working out for 3 or 4 months now everyday,i have a problem,see i have been out of shape for a long time and i am not sure what why it doesnt seem to work.instead of loosing weight i havent done anything but gain since i started.when i started i was at 260,and now i am up to 276!am i doing something wrong,i have stuck to a strick diet.salads,fish,steak,chicken thru the week and on the weekend i might spoil myself 1 night.dont drink and i cant figure out whats going on here.can someone help..
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ok wait you started at 206 and now your 176??? that means youlost not gained! or do you mean it the other way around????
Hi & welcome to the forum. If you were 260 and the scales are now reading 176, seems to me you have actually lost some weight!

Anyway what sort of exercises are you doing?

Avoid "spoiling yourself," at this stage. You do not know how much damage that can cause; you may spend the whole week trying to lose the calories you piled on during that 1 night of "spoiling."
but do you know what i might be doing wrong,i can stop the spoiling deal but when i go to the gym i am there working hard 3 to 4 hrs a day.
3 to 4 hours what the heck are you doing for 3 to 4 hours a day in the gym??? thats a really long time to be in should post what it is you are doing. oh ans btw welcome aboard:)
smokeyscabin said:
ok i have been working out for 3 or 4 months now everyday...

smokeyscabin said:
...i can stop the spoiling deal but when i go to the gym i am there working hard 3 to 4 hrs a day....

Everyday for 3 to 4 hrs? That is wrong and unsustainable in the long run.
well i ride a bike for 30 min.
then the treadmill for 30 min.
then i go every other day
burn outs on curls
lift till i cant do no more.
then i bench 190 3x10
then work sholders180lbs....3x10
then work triceps 60lbs. 3x10
abbs everyday with machine set on 95lbs. (cant tell a difference there,still got a gut.)
on even days
leg press around 220lbs.5x15
hamstings and whatever on the back side of the leg is 150lbs.
and so forth
every day in the sonna for 30-45 min.
Dump the 30-45 minutes in the sauna. You should be drinking as much cold water as possible during the day for a variety of reasons. Only thing the sauna is doing is sweating all that helpful water back out of you.
don't do the abs everyday.. do weights before cardio. you might want to look for a full body routine to do 3 days and do the cardio on the others and take at least one day for rest. if you over train you will not see improvement bc your body cannot keep up. try hitt with the cardio perhaps. clean diet is key, more than anything else.