You need to look at all that you have accomplished thus far!
Think of how your first workout went and the way you felt the next morning.
Huh? You are doing much better now, right?
Make a muscle! That wasn't there when you started, was it?
Look at a pound of anything (ground beef, sugar, dumbell). That is the amount every pound you lose!
Your a lean mean dieting machine!
Also if you could find a workout buddy so you can "count on" each other it is much easier to stay motivated because even when you BOTH don't feel like working out yuo do becaue you don't want to let each other down.
Finally, sometimes a bacon/turkey/cheese/whatever in the fridge sandwich is JUST what you do need. Falling off the wagon once does not make anyone a failure and denying yourself of all the good stuff is no fun.
Just keep in mind that taking one day off from exercise is not a bad thing, BUT it can make it harder to get back "on" the next day. Promise yurself that you WILL workout tomorrow and you can stay in and watch lifetime today, ok?