Hey this is my first post in this forum and i need help with a diet + excercise program.
GOAL: GET A TONED BODY meaning smaller stomach/ toned chest / toned arms !
I'm 17
5'11 198 lbs
ive weight trained before and my biceps are in pretty good shape but my stomach and chest are really bad
and im really trying to lose over 25 pounds and hitting around the 165 / 170 area. but im having difficulty with a good diet + excercise program.
My current eating habits are weird. so please dont flame on the eating habits lol.
Breakfast- Noodles + roast pork / grilled pork
3 slices of bread + Peanut butter + Grape Jelly
Lunch- 1 pint of lowfat milk, turkey sandwich couple pickle slices + tomato + lettuce + italian sauce. and either a banana or an apple.
Dinner- Rice + broccoli or chinese choi, chicken meat/grilled chicken, beef. etc
any recommendations?
I was thinking i should change my eating habits to
Breakfast- bowl of oatmeal + milk
Lunch- Sandwich + fruit + milk
Dinner- Half bowl less rice + chicken/beef/fish
and sometimes fruits as snacks.
my current excercise plan is as follows
I usually cant run that much since my legs are really weak / cant stand running too long.
25 minutes on the stair climbing machine
25 lb bicep curl machine 20 reps per set 3 sets
25 lb tricep machine 20 reps per set 3 sets
25 lb shoulder / chest machine 20 reps per set 3 sets
25 lb chest machine 20 reps per set 3 sets
7-10 push ups per set 3 sets
what should i do instead? i have a gym that i have access to. so benching / free weights etc are avaiable ! im trying to gain a flat toned stomach(for building abs) / bigger toned chest and TONED arms rather than big.
GOAL: GET A TONED BODY meaning smaller stomach/ toned chest / toned arms !
I'm 17
5'11 198 lbs
ive weight trained before and my biceps are in pretty good shape but my stomach and chest are really bad
and im really trying to lose over 25 pounds and hitting around the 165 / 170 area. but im having difficulty with a good diet + excercise program.
My current eating habits are weird. so please dont flame on the eating habits lol.
Breakfast- Noodles + roast pork / grilled pork
3 slices of bread + Peanut butter + Grape Jelly
Lunch- 1 pint of lowfat milk, turkey sandwich couple pickle slices + tomato + lettuce + italian sauce. and either a banana or an apple.
Dinner- Rice + broccoli or chinese choi, chicken meat/grilled chicken, beef. etc
any recommendations?
I was thinking i should change my eating habits to
Breakfast- bowl of oatmeal + milk
Lunch- Sandwich + fruit + milk
Dinner- Half bowl less rice + chicken/beef/fish
and sometimes fruits as snacks.
my current excercise plan is as follows
I usually cant run that much since my legs are really weak / cant stand running too long.
25 minutes on the stair climbing machine
25 lb bicep curl machine 20 reps per set 3 sets
25 lb tricep machine 20 reps per set 3 sets
25 lb shoulder / chest machine 20 reps per set 3 sets
25 lb chest machine 20 reps per set 3 sets
7-10 push ups per set 3 sets
what should i do instead? i have a gym that i have access to. so benching / free weights etc are avaiable ! im trying to gain a flat toned stomach(for building abs) / bigger toned chest and TONED arms rather than big.