That's just your opinion Steve.
What, that the paper wasn't good?
Are you sure about that?
JB is one of my favorite nutrition MD.
He's not an MD.
I especially like the fact he may quote other research, but he researches his information himself. Yes, he does market just like anyone else in the industry. However, his programs and research are pretty strong. I'm sure you know his stats already.
Meh, I'm not a fan of his research.... but I really don't want to get into the whole JB is the man thing. That's not what our argument is about AT ALL.
Yes, you can tear apart what people say with other research (anyone can do that and it is not impressive). I'm sure we both can go back and forth with research. It's not necessary and I don't like playing politics with research.
Bonnie: Read this study
Steve: That paper isn't very good and I have a bunch supporting my argument so what are you trying to say?
Bonnnie: I don't like playing politics with research.
Ok, just for future reference, let's make sure I understand the rules. You can reference research (and hang on to it for dear life without using basic reasoning) and I can't even mention mine without you thinking I'm being political?
Fair enough, lol.
Less meals versus more meals. I think you don't have much in the way to refute multiple meals are superior.
Oh, I can't wait to see how you are going to prove this above statement of yours.
Seriously you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to that.
Wow, that's a bold statement.
Have you seen my pics by chance. Have I mentioned I've been as lean as I've ever been eating 3-4 meals per day?
Example: How about if someone wants to gain muscle mass and keep fat low as possible. Let's say the RMR alone puts the candidate at 2400 k/cal. To gain weight with the training he needs at least 3400 k/cal. How are you going to get that into him in 3 meals, friend??
Oh brother....
You really missed the boat when I said tailor your advice to the population you are directing it at. I guess that's the difference between trainers like you and *personal* trainers like me.
Last time I checked, there's about .2% of the members here bulking.
To add, you are going to have to do wayyyyy better that that, friend, if you are trying to prove this point.
There are certainly circumstances where people will find it easier to eat more, smaller meals than less, larger meals. The individual trying to cram in a ton of calories for bulking being one of them. I'm one such person..... eating close to 4000 calories per day.
But what, for F- sake does that have to do with anything? You said "everyone should eat 6+ meals."
Cherry-picking one small facet of the population to prove your point is kind of silly, wouldn't you say?
My only refute to your whole, "everyone should eat 6 meals" thingamajigger was that, sure, some people might want to.
But not everyone.
What about the individual who isn't eating that many calories (like most of those around here) and prefers to eat less frequent meals? Ya know, like the point I was originally making that you so easily glazed over or didn't comprehend. Why should this person change something that's working?
And let's not forget the population you are making this overgeneralized advice to. A weight loss forum.
Not a bodybuilding forum.
Try to keep in mind throwing that many calories in a few sitting will probably lead to a nice amount of fat storage.
Hahahaha, you've completely missed everything I stated in my prior posts. This or your reading comprehension is piss poor. Or you don't understand the basics of thermodynamics.
As I said to you above:
Compare two diets for one individual.
Said individual has a maintenance of 2500 calories/day and a goal of fat loss.
Diet A contains 2000 calories/day spaced over 3 meals .
Diet B contains 2000 calories/day spaced over 6 meals.
Each diet contains the same marconutrient breakdown.
Also assume said individual feels more satiated eating 3 meals per day and it also fits his schedule a lot better.
Now why should he switch things around to increase meal frequency? Or are you going to skip right over this again?
Also, where on God's green earth is the net fat storage going to be considering both diets are hypocaloric?
Getting lean is simple. Getting lean while maintaining muscle mass and keeping metabolism up not so simple....
That's funny. I never had a problem with it. Nor have my clients.
There are tons of people who get lean eating 3 meals per day.
Have you heard of intermittent fasting by chance? Oh that's right.... that real world thing doesn't count.
Hear that popping sound?
That's the bubble exploding that you've been living in.
Ya, go ahead and slam the calories down in 3 meals and see how lean you are.
Have you happened to see my pictures?
I agree what looks good on research paper does not always work. At least not as well as it seems. Your reality is your reality. The problem is it seems like your ignorance has become your arrogance.
Oh wow.
So let me just recap here.
Bonnie: Eveyone must always eat 6+ meals per day.
Steve: I don't buy that, I've had success with myself and clients eating 3 meals per day. As long as calories and macros are accounted for, things will be fine.
Bonnie: Read this study.
Steve: Research describes reality... it does not define it.
Bonnie: I'm not going to get into slinging research (see two lines above) and all those politics.
Steve: I like thinking outside the box and using logic and reasoning.
Bonnie: You are ignorant and arrogant.
Funnily enough, you are the first person I can recall in my life to call me ignorant. Arrogant.... I get that often on the forums. I get more praise then anything from people I help meet their goals. But for some reason, guru trainers that slip into the community like to call me arrogant b/c they can't take the heat when their bullshit is called.
If there's one thing I'm not.... especially with regards to the subject at hand.... it's ignorant.
Even funnier is the fact that you are drawing these conclusions based on the fact that I'm basing my comments on real world results opposed to science.
Like I said, sometimes what looks good on paper is not always what it is cracked up to be. Real world always matches science one way or another. All the clients I have trained I have collected data on different stressors and behaviors in and out of the gym for these clients. Is this not using scientific method to quantify training and nutrition programs?
What's your point?
I've done the same and I can say without a doubt in my mind that as long as calories and macros are controlled, the net outcome is going to be the same. It's about
matching advice to the individuals circumstances.
Here's a shocker for you:
If you do some searching, I actually prefer someone to eat more meals than fewer. However, again, it's about tailored advice. And mine happens to be, "eat as many meals as you comfortably can while accounting for cals and macros."
This might be 3 for some, 6 for others.
But to tell an entire population that they MUST eat 6+ meals is just ridiculous. Talk about making things hard on people.
You do not have to agree or "buy" into anything. I am not here because I want to agree with you or disagree. State your point and give reason. If I do not agree...then guess what? I simply do not agree, period.
This about sums it up, unfortunately. Your inability to even stick to my points and refute them just proves this a gigantic waste of time. Thankfully, most people around here can read and comprehend, so they'll be able to find the logic in this thread.
And that respect I spoke of in the other thread.
Yea, I take that back.
Sure, you dont' care, blah blah blah.
That's fine.... I just hope you enjoy your stay on the forums. So far you're really making friends.
What's that.... you're not here to make friends?
Oh, ok.... what is it that you are here to do then. B/c if it's reaching people with good advice, I suggest you read though each of the threads you've started so far.
Adding the meals changes the habits they already have established. The same habits of eating 3 big meals instead of 5-6. Too me only someone ignorant to common knowledge will not recognize the benefit of separating meals for better daily satiation, better control of macronutrients, and higher metabolism rate.
There's the ignorant thing again. Wow.
Are you really this fucking dense? (sorry mods)
Do you not realize that there are people out there who feel more satiated eating less meals opposed to more? Did you not see that in my prior post. Really, is it that you aren't reading what I type or you aren't comprehending? I can slow it down a bit if you'd like.
There are people here in this very forum that feel more satiated in less feedings opposed to more. Or are you about to tell them that this can't be b/c science says so.
High metabolism.
That's LOLZZ!!11111
I really can care less if you agree or don't. Like I said, I'm not here and this is not a forum used to simply nod my head and agree with your philosophy
Umm, yea.....