Weight-Loss Help! New...How many cals...

How many cals should I be eating daily if I am 5' 0" "tall" (...lol) and currently weigh about 124.5 to 125 and want to lose to get to about 115??? :confused: Please keep in mind that I am not very active at the moment (that will be changing in the next few months) and I want a plan that is not going to lower my metabolism too drastically. (So, probably not 1200 cals.) I want to lose weight as quick as possible but not KILL my metabolism. (It already sucks because I struggled with Bulimia for 7 and 1/2 years.) :mad: SO, can anyone recommend a good calorie intake for me? Or possibly refer me to a good calclulator online? I've looked on these boards but can't seem to find any

Thanks so much!! I look forward to meeting new peeps on this board! :)
DId you try this web site?
thats an awesome calculator, you might need to adjust the calorie intake as you go..especially since you say you will be getting more active in the months to come.
also look at spliting up your daily calories into 6 meals a day(small meals mind you)and eating as little white stuff as possible(sugar,white flour,processed foods) :)