Sport Help needed.

Sport Fitness
Hi, my name is Simmon and I'm a 33 year old male.

I've recently begun weight training in an attempt to lose some pounds for a few family events taking place this summer (a wedding and a family cruise).

I'm 6'3" tall and on February 13th, 2006 I weighed 267 lbs. I began using my treadmill for 30 minutes every morning and another 30 minutes every night. Two weeks after I started using my treadmill I began working out with weights. I'm roughly working out with weights 5 days a week (Day 1 chest, Day 2 back, Day 3 rest, Day 4 shoulders, Day 5 arms, Day 6 legs, Day 7 rest) while using the treadmill nearly every morning and night.

As of this morning (March 14th) I weighed 246.5 pounds.

I'm pretty happy with my progress but I still have a gut and love handles that I can't stand. I know my diet has a lot to do with losing in these areas so I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good diet plan for me?

Currently I eat for breakfast a bagel with coffee, for lunch salad with some grilled chicken (or turkey) and dinner whatever my wife cooks (which usually is either chicken cutlets or steak with some greens and small portion rice).

I drink a *lot* of water during the course of the day and have completely stopped with soda and other types of junk foods (although I occassionaly snack on tortilla chips and salsa every now and then on the weekends).

What *should* I be eating that will better assist me in further losing weight while (hopefully) gaining some lean muscle?

Thanks ahead of time!
I think you meant April 14th, haha, anyway, that is some amazing progress, thats 20 lbs in two months (as if you didn't know), keep up the good work. It seems like you've been eating pretty clean, however the thing I would try work on would be getting more protein throughout the day. You should be eating consistently, 6 smaller meals (or snacks) would be better than larger ones, the grilled chicken salad is an excellent example, dont dump dressing on it obviously.

It's gonna be hard to do anything aside from what you have, the main thing you could change however would be your workouts, what kind of cardio are you doing? Also with the lifting, you don't need a separate day for arms, you would be better off throwing the triceps after chest and the biceps after back, moving up the leg day after shoulders too...

so it would be chest and triceps, back and biceps, rest, shoulder, legs, rest, start over, if you need more info or ideas post over in the weight training section.

with the cardio, i'm not sure what you're doing now, but it would be good to try some interval training, if you have been biking or jogging at a moderate pace, try a minute or 45 seconds at a higher intensity and then go back to a slower pace, this'll keep your heart rate up longer and burn more calories. good luck
Simmon ... yes you have to eat more often. At least 5-6 smaller meals a day. Be sure to include a complex carb and protein at each meal, starting with breakfast. Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet. You also need to increase your protein intake, as was mentioned. Eggs. lean meats, cottage cheese, fish, to name a few. Lots of water is good, continue with that. Congrats on your progress so far. Keep up the good work
Thanks AJP - yeah, I meant April 14th. When you say "lean proteins" could you possibly give me some examples?

With cardio all I have been doing is jogging for 30 minutes in the morning (before I go to work - around 5am) and then again in the evening after I weight lift (which is anywhere between 8-9pm). I usually vary the speed between 4 to 4.5. Then I take the dogs out for a walk. :)

I am going to do what you suggested with regard to arms and incorporate them into my chest and back days.

JPC1058 - thanks for the advice as well. 5 - 6 smaller meals might be a little rough for me because of my work day but I will certainly try. I will let you all know how this works in about a month or so.

Thanks again for your advice - I sincerely appreciate it.

Simmon M said:
When you say "lean proteins" could you possibly give me some examples?

lean proteins...boneless skinless chicken, turkey (deli, steaks, ground, cutlets), fish, beef can be lean but its harder to find, some forms of dairy are good too (the lower fat and fate free ones) for example, cottage cheese is loaded with protein