Weight-Loss Help me with my diet.

Sounds good so far. The only thing I would like to touch upon is that you said you don't like vegetables all that much and that you're eating them raw. I think you not liking vegetables may have something to do with the fact that you eat them raw. I love vegetables, but I dislike many of them when they're uncooked. Try baking them in the oven, or chop them, mix them with a tablespoon of oil and roast them in a pan. I think you'll find vegetables to be a little, if not a lot, better tasting than in their raw state.

Other than that, it seems to me that you have a very solid weight loss plan already. Just stick to it and success should come swiftly. :)
I'm not allowed to promote anything according to rules, so I'm going to just let you know that eating those meals 6 times or how ever many times is supposed to increase your metabolism.
Although, that really does not help everyone, cause if that was true then people as a whole would'n be fat period. People love to eat, I was one of those people who did that and could'n figure out why I would develop such a fat percentage. Today I eat 3 times a day as normal and maybe a snack here and there. I take one shake for breakfast, one shake for lunch, and then I eat whatever I want during dinner hours. I even may have little snacks in between the shakes if I feel like it. You have to find the best feeling for you, being the military it was standard that you eat three times a day, although my body could not handle three a day, but one a day. Needless to say I'm not sure how I survived for 5 years, but that is what my body wanted. So the shakes help me compensate on the materials that I rarely even see in life lol, and then I have a salad, something normal, or a splurge meal for dinner. So far I lost 7 pounds, 4 inches off the waist, and saved money on groceries. I only buy dinner and provide whatever my 1 year old daughter would like to eat and my wife is doing the same thing. All I'm saying is you have to find whats best for you, being minor disabled and unable to do a lot of exercise, this works for me.

I have no idea why anyone would force themselves to eat five times a day if they were not hungry at those times...

There used to be a diet myth that people thought that it was better to have lots of small meals through the day - but that was proved to be a myth years ago... It sounds like the person who gave guidance on that diet was stuck in a time warp... I wouldn't do it...

It is total calories that counts - and if eating this way helps anyone to keep within your calorie range - then there is a point to it - but otherwise there is no point to it at all...
Sounds like a great plan, I agree on the 5 meal thing though, if your not hungry at the time I would pass on the meal and eat a bit more during one of the main three,
I'm actually supposed to this while pregnant to avoid heartburn but find it difficult. Pregamancy is different though, you have less room to stuff food in so smaller meals more often is easier yet I've chosen the hard way :/

I mentioned this way to my hubby years ago and he was totally against it. He pointed out that his parents, friends and himself eat 3 times a day and are healthy and slim.
I think its just what works best for the person individually.
Going from your last post though and this one. Your plan is good but you still dont seem confident In Your planned eating habits. I still recommend you see a dietitian / nutritionist who you can discuss things with and find a eating plan that suits you well.
You can discuss that you hate vege's but can manage eating some raw ones etc, she or he will work something out for you. I remember mentioning to mine that I missed cheese and she limited my cheese amounts per day and gave specific ones that were ok for my diet plan, so I got to eat my cheese and still lost the weight :D
Sorry I'm no expert. I do know avocado is high in fats but good fats.
I think its a healthy option in moderation?
Few suggestion that will changes to reduce calories:

Steam, boil or bake foods instead of frying in butter or oil.
Drink more water instead of Oil.

Use vegetable filled soup...
Experts recommend making both dietary changes and getting more physical activity for the best results.
Diet plays a major role in the health of a person. A good and healthy diet is not only beneficial for the bodybuilders, instead it can also be very useful for a common man.
I barely knew about a sustainable weight loss when I made this thread... And I no longer follow what I wrote here.

There is no need to keep posting here.