help me please


New member
hi, ive just joined so dont really know what im doing but im just going to do it anyway.

ok so my whole problem started a while ago when i just started LOSING weight for know reason. anyway it was a long process with many doctors and operations and everything where they couldnt find ut what was wrong and everyone thought i was anorexic and then it finally turned out that i had coeliac disease and thats why i felt so sick and was losing weight. anyway, it had been such a traumatic few years for my whole family and me that when we found out i felt an enormous pressure to put on all the weight i had lost (about 20 kg) as quickly as possible so life could get back to normal for everyone again. unfortunatly this just started a bigger problem as without knowing it i started binge eating. the more and more weight i would put on the happier mum dad and all my friends were. this just perpetuated the problem. now, evne though i have put on more than enough weight i cant seem to stop. i feel guility if i try and eat heathy as for the last 3 years ive jsut constantly been try to put on weight. im too heavy and i hate the way i look but i cant stop. please help me.

what can i snack on when i feel a compulsion to eat that wont make me fatter? what is the best way to lose all this extra weight i have put on?

id b grateful for any help. thanks!
Re: help me please by ellierose

Hi ellierose

I know that what you're going through is quite scary (as if you lost control of your own life) but you can beat it by changing your lifestyle and doing it for yourself for a change. It's just a conscious choice that you have to make.

You can start off by walking briskly for thirty minutes to an hour a day, seven days a week. Believe me walking is one of the best exercises to kick start your metabolism.

To change your eating habits you have to stop ingesting refined starches such as white rice, pasta, white bread and especially those that says vitamin enriched on the label. Try and go for all the wholegrain stuff.

Eat only lean meats and try to eat more white meat and fish such as salmon (contains Omega 3 fatty acids) than red meat. I'd cut out all red meat if it was me. I actually was like you for twenty eight years and did a lot of research on diets.

As far as meal planning goes, you have to eat five to six times a day. Start with your breakfast as the most important meal of the day. Make it a three course meal if you have to. Something like a bran with low fat milk or yogurt (protein), even mix some fresh fruit in there.

Don't have ripe banana or grapes (too much sugar). Eat enough, but not too much, to last you till mid morning (9am). Then have a light snack. It can be a handful of walnuts, flax or sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds mixed. Drink enough water during the day as well. Just don't drink it all at once. Space it evenly throughout your day.

At lunch you can have approximately 175grams of meat (not fried and if red, as lean as possible), a nice green salad with olives, feta cheese etc... or steamed mixed vegetables. You should eat enough of the salad and veggies.

At 3pm you can have your afternoon snack, which can consist of a slice of wholegrain bread with some cottage cheese and unsweetened preserve on it. In the evening you can have some more steamed seasoned veggies and a glass of low fat milk.

If you feel crazy hungry before your meal try this trick. It's healthy. Pour a tablespoon of cold pressed virgin olive oil in a small dipping bowl. Take a slice of wholegrain bread, dip it in the oil and eat it. Then eat your meal. It may take a while to acquire a taste for it but believe me, it works.

In the meantime, try and push yourself to a new limit every day with the walking. Believe in yourself and do this to feel good. Don't do it for any other reason than that, especially not for anybody else. This is your life that you want control over.

This is just a rough guideline. If it appeals to you feel free to let me know, and I will give you more details. Even if it's just motivation you need, it's free.

To your health
Find the power!

Everything JacV said seems to be excellent, I'd just figure I would share with you a couple things I have changed in my diet without starving myself. Aside from exercise, a healthy alternative I recently discovered is a piece of pita bread and some original humus. 1 piece of "Joseph's Ultra Soft" pita bread is about 60 calories, and 1 serving of original humus is about 60 calories as well, it tastes great and will serve as a great snack at only 120 calories.

The biggest part of losing weight is finding the hidden power inside you that will provide you with the motivation and drive to lose excess fat. We ALL have that power inside us to do it, its just letting that power take over and push you into physical fitness.

DO THIS FOR YOURSELF! Don't think about what anyone around you is thinking, they aren't in the same situation, they don't feel the same way you do, they don't experience every-day life the way you do, they aren't you, so don't let them control you! They aren't your enemy or anything, and they deserve your love (I hope), just like you deserve to love yourself. So put your foot down and take control, scream it into a pillow if you have to, do whatever it takes. Once that power comes out a flood of emotions will hit you, just let it out, and take charge!

WOO, heck I'm feelin the power rush right now after typing all this!

Life: "I'm gonna break you down, you best just turn around fool, you ain't strong enough, you don't have the courage or the willpower, just face it, I don't play fair and you don't have the guts"

You: "Bring it bitch."
I am a fellow coeliac and to those recomending breads etc in the diet don't be idiots, we can't eat food containing gluten it makes us sick.

ellierose i try to keep my snacks to things like fresh fruit.

have you tried counting your calories ? how much are you eating at the moment ? don't go long periods during the day without food because that can lead to binge eating when you finally get some food.
I am a fellow coeliac and to those recomending breads etc in the diet don't be idiots, we can't eat food containing gluten it makes us sick.

They make gluten free pita bread (albiet more calories), or you could use a softened corn-tortilla. Shouldn't start calling people idiots for not knowing the diet requirements of not-so-well-known diseases.
my comment still stands, it is a common disease and if you don't know about a disease, educate yourself before giving advice. as for gluten free pita, it tastes like dry cardboard lol

Oh after you mentioned the gluten thing I was like "crap" and started googling celiac/coeliac. But as far as your "comment still standing", Celiac is only really known to those who have it or know someone who has it (In the US), which puts it into the lesser known category. Apparently it is known as "The Hidden Epidemic" here in the states being that around 1% of Americans have it, and don't even realize that they do, because of that 1%, 97% of them aren't diagnosed with it and end up with even more medical issues. I see that you are from Australia, and it seems that it is more commonly known there as well as in Europe (not because more people in those areas have it). So, from this I think we should get 2 things:


And as far as the gluten free pita bread...I ate that once...and I agree, but I definitely forgot that it tasted like crap, so it probably was not wise to recommend it. I DID hear it tastes better if you bake it fresh for yourself though, so who knows.

Then there is always soft-corn tortillas
Re: help me please by ellierose

Hi ellierose

Sorry for the slip. I got so fired up with helping somebody, I completely forgot about the gluten aspect. Just goes to show that nobody can claim perfection.

Most of the grains and starches recommended for a gluten free diet are complex starches anyway. The recommended grains and starches are: potatoes, sweet potato, rice, some beans, soybeans, millet, lupine, maize, sorghum, buckwheat, tapioca, amaranth, arrowroot, montina, quinoa, taro, teff, chia seed, yam, nut flours. No oats allowed because nobody can agree if it is really safe or gluten free.

Unfortunately even the above grains and starches are usually contaminated with gluten when commercially handled; therefore many people in the know will tell you that it is safer to completely leave it out of your diet. You even have to take care at home not to contaminate your food with gluten during preparation.

Even soups, sauces and custard are thickened with gluten containing flour and medication in tablet form where gluten is used as a binding agent.

As far as alcohol is concerned; only distilled forms of alcohol are reasonably safe.

For really valuable good information go to:

All the best
thanks for all our replies, it feels really good to have some support through this.

sorry, it was probably my fault for the confusion-i should have explained what coeliac disease actually is.

anyway, i have done fine making the transition from normal to gluten free and i know exactly what type of foods i should b eating in order to lose wieght and be healthy, i just dont seem to be able to do it. every time i start to eat healthily i feel guilty and that it is a wrong thing to do. (since it was for so long) i use to love all healthy foods and had a hard time switching to fattening foods in order to put on weight, but now im having an even harder time switching back again. im really worried that i wont be able to stop doing this. i hate feeling guilty and i hate the way overeating makes me feel. If anyone has advice on what i could do to stop this guilt or somehow distract myself from it, that would be so so great.

thanks again for the advice you have already given xx
Hi ellierose

If you have your dietary requirements under control and eating the way you should according to your condition then all you need is to get to a place where you know what you want to do that is good for you. Now we're getting into the touchy feely mumbo jumbo, which is not so bad after all.

I was abused most of my young life and abandoned, homeless, living with depression and I came through it all because I wanted to (without pills and therapy). Nobody else can help you as much as you can help yourself. You are either doing this for yourself or you can succumb to the wishes and whims of people and influences from outside of you.

Guilt is something you inflict on yourself. It is usually something people use to stay in a comfort zone they created themselves but now blame other people for it. You need to reach a space where you feel comfortable and where you know that whatever impacts upon you is of your own choice. You are just you and your choices and thoughts define you.

People are constantly seeking to know who they are. We just are in this moment and what we do, think and feel in this moment pulls us down to a scary place or makes us a better person in our own eyes and that is all that should matter. How good we feel about ourselves.

So go sit somewhere quiet. Get comfortable, close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly and deeply (don't hyperventilate:)). Relax and let your head hang. Shut out all noise and just think about nothing, clear your thoughts. Do this for 20 to 30 minutes. If you can reach this state (it sometimes take some effort to reach such a state so try until you get there) you have found yourself. This is who you are, the "I am" without all the physical human emotions, hang-ups and baggage.

When you reach this place you can pretty much reinvent yourself. See yourself as you want to be and fix that image in your mind. Now you know who you physically want to be. Now live it.

To your success
Guilt is generally a wasted emotion, especially if it involves hurting only ourselves and not others. You already know why you feel guilty, but you also know that things have changed dramatically and that this no longer makes sense. Changing things in moderation may work to get you back to where you used to be food wise, when you were into healthy foods. Also, you haven't mentioned anything about exercising. Do you do it? If you exercise regularly, you should be able to eat a lot more..
Ellierose, you have to believe in yourself. Hope is not going to get you there but "I can" will.

As far as my strength is concerned; people nowadays seems to be afraid to say something like this but I'm not. My strength comes from my God.

I've experienced many miracles like the one guy, relatively young with a wife and kids, I met who had lung cancer and only had seven days at most to live. He had a lot of pain and was willing to let go of life, so he prayed that if it was his time that God must take him that night. After his prayer he was lying in his hospital bed with his eyes closed and it felt as if somebody came and sat down beside him on the bed. When he opened his eyes there was no one there but he fell asleep.

The next morning he woke up and immediately felt that something was different and then he realized that he had no pain. When his doctor came by on his rounds, he told him and they immediately did tests. There was no cancer left in his whole body.

The point is that the greatest miracles I've seen is what people can achieve through a belief system, not only in themselves but also by believing and trusting in God.

Believe in yourself ellierose.
eat healthy snacks like fruits or vegetables. also try not to eat any thing fried try to bake them instead its a lot better.