Help me meet my situp/pushup goal please

Hi everyone - I've set a goal for myself of 65 pushups in one minute and 70 situps in one minute and I'm giving myself until the 1st of August
(40 days from today)... I'm a little unsure of how to go about it as far as how many sets a day, everyday or every other, etc... thanks in advance

Hey there,
It sounds like you have a great goal there! If I were you, I would time myself a few times a week on how many situps you can do in a minute, then how many pushups you can do in a minute. You may not want to do this all at once. You may want to break it up. Maybe do situps in the morning, pushups in the afternoon. I would also try to maybe do 100 situps or pushups at another time to practice exceeding my goal. Practice makes perfect and pushing yourself beyond your limits is a good idea.

kitty and tenpercent thanks for the replies

Brianna(if I may) thats a great point, I definitely need to include timing into my regiment... and I like the idea of setting the numbers higher than needed that way I'll atleast hit my goals. Do you have any recommendations for going about this? I was originally thinking(3 times a week) 30/30 week 1, 40/40 week 2 etc but I'm afraid 10/week is not a realistic goal? and I can't hurt myself... also can I do these everyday as long as I'm not sore and be safe? I want to build myself up properly and not sqeeze the last ones out during testing... I want to do the last few while still smiling lol

ten percent - its actually both, 55s/60p are my min req and 65/70 is extra credit so to speak... im just not interested in passing I want to excel for personal reasons because the job will accept the min and im good for more than that.
If it is for a test then every third day you need to perform it as a test. You can do 3 days as pushups, sit ups, test. Repeat. When working push ups and sit ups start working on the total number goal before starting on time. As you get closer to reaching your number goal then start working on the speed.
As for push ups - everyone has a strong point at to width of hands. Find yours.
Work on your total number early in the day. Then in the evenining set a number, as Kitty said, like 100 and work to get to them. Even is it takes a few sets.
Do the same for sit ups.

As a former cop I have had to do a lot of this type of testing and as a training officer I have done my share of coaching for them as well. Good luck.