Help me lose 6kilos - Exercise plan


New member
Hi all,

I am new to this forum. I am 30 year old mom, 5'4"(160cms) weighing 65kgs(143lbs). I would like to lose 6kilos in two months. I am pure vegetarian.
I joined a gym this week and I am doing 30mins walking and little weight training.

It will be very helpful, if someone can give exercise plan on weight training. I dont know how to plan my weight training schedule(like arms one day, lower body one day) and also please suggest effective exercises for beginners.

Thanks a lot
Alternate between cardio one day and FBW (full body workouts) the other.

As for cardio, warm-up 5 min. on treadmill at modest pace. Then go hard for 1 min, followed by 2 minutes at your modest pace. The last 5 minutes is cool down time. Do this for 30 minutes.

After you start getting into shape, bump up the speed and lower the modest pace times. Mix it up weekly. I have found this to really be helpful for myself. I started sprinting at speed 6 for 1 minute; and I was winded. I am now in the 9.5 range and going 1 minute for my modest pace. Sometimes I will even start out with a good 10 minute jog after my warm-up.

I truly believe that you need to confuse your body. Plus it keeps the workout interesting.

As for as FBW's, use compound movements: Bench, barbell press, barbell curls, barbell rows, squats and stiff-legged deadlift. 3-4 sets with 10-12 reps. Make the first day your heavy day, 2nd day lighter, and third day your lightest. It works great!

Good luck!
There's an excellent basic post on weight lifting pinned to the top of the exercise area called "The Conceptual Side of Weight Lifting". I'd strongly suggest that you read the thread and really absorb the basic concepts mentioned there.
We are pretty similar, it made me smile...

I'm a first-time mom (my daughter is 16months now), 29yrs old, 5'2", and am now 153 and counting. You're stats are a better mix than mine, but we're similar nonetheless :)

I've had terrific success with FBW 3 days a week and cardio 2-3 days a week. I've been more concentrated on my FBW than with cardio, and I've been making sure to focus on my diet. With my cardio, I do some sort of interval training, whether it is High Intensity or Moderate Intensity (sprints 4 minutes or a jog/walk mix 15-20 minutes, respectively) or a steady state run at the track for somewhere between 20-30 minutes. To keep me from getting bored with cardio, I do something different each cardio day of the week. If I do sprints one day, then the next cardio day would be either a steady state run or the jog/walk interval training. I've been losing 1-2 lbs a week.

Walking didn't really seem to do much for me although I know it has worked for some friends of mine after their babies were born, just not for me. Not discrediting it as great exercise, just mentioning that I personally needed to step it up in order to lose weight.

One thing I've noticed through all of this, I'm doing something that exhausts me 5-6 days a week. I'm eating somewhere around 1500 calories, trying to keep my number at a decent deficit from what calories I'd need to maintain (around 2300 calories), but never below 1300. As I get down further, I'll have to tweak that number, but for now, it is working.

If you're just starting out, it may take a while to see some results at first, I know it did for me. Just keep it up! Also, you will need to see what works for you, and this forum is great for that. You can find the things that really worked for the people here, and get to try those out for yourself.

Be sure to read through the stickies found around this site, there's fantastic info on them all.
heres the thing.

3kg a month is very achievable but needs exercise and workouts at your end too.

With a veg diet, the trick fixes are very few but there's some things we can do. For example:

Make sure you don't consume any of the following: sugar, white rice, white bread, junk food, butter, magarine, potatoes, jams, sauces for 2 months.

Make sure you only consume: Pulses, legumes, vegetables, curd, nuts n seeds, some whole grain products.

divide your meals into a total of 6 meals a day.

drink green tea twice

drink 4 litres of chilled.

Workout for 30 minutes at high intensity.

note this video for info on a veg diet: