Help me loose weight


New member
im 21 years old, 5'4 an almost 180:( its the heaviest Ive ever been, last year i lost 33 pounds in 3 months on a low carb diet an gained it all back an more within a year so no more of that. i just moved out on my own a few months ago i leave for work at 7am an get home at 7pm. Im so tired when i get in from work i cant exercise (i also love to eat). what else can i do???...............................also what do you think about fasting?
If you can't exercise in the day, it's all about nutrition in my opinion.

Low carb or starvation diets rarely work out in the long term for weight management. :(

Hi there!

My advise would be stay away from fasting. You may intially lose weight but as soon as you return to normal eating the weight just returns sooo fast!
Fill up on very low calorie foods, like your fruit and vegies, that way you can eat as much as you like and not put on weight. Proteins like turkey, lean meats, low fat cheese, low fat yogurts, no fat milk are filling. cut down on carbs, but stick to wholegrain breads, cereals etc. Snack regularly throughout the day so you never get to the point where your so hungry you'll grab whatever's in front of you.
As for excercise, you do sound very busy! I don't blame you for being tired. just fit any kind of physical acitivity throughout your day if possible & excersise on the weekends.
Hope that helps and good luck with it all!
19goog gave you some polite advice...

I'll give it to you straight. You don't want to exercise and you don't want to control your food intake by the sounds of your post. Guess what..... you either want to remain how you are now or you want to change. Make up your mind. If you want the latter, you are going to have to move more and eat less.... simple as that.
you might think you are too tired to workout after you get home...but exercise actually gives you more energy! You should start off with maybe just 15min then gradually add on 5min every week. Even if you dont change your eating habits immeditly, with the addition of the exercise you will notice an improvement! Good Luck!
Steve is absolutely right:

You love to eat but you are considering fasting. Survey says??? That this is a temporary measure that will screw your metabolism over hard and youll end up heavier the next time.

If you don't exercise, your body doesn't get to partake in all those delicious treats without getting fat. Your brain wants food, but you can control that.

Guys want to have sex with girls, they don't go randomly grabbing girls. (usually lol)
People want food, doesn't mean you need to go grab a cheesecake.

If you dont have time to exercise you have to stop eating so much. Simple as that. And are you saying you work 7 days a week? I doubt it.

I think that often times we get discouraged when we aren't successful at weight loss the first time. Now that you live on your own, you are in charge of your own life, and you should make that a healthy life. My husband works 12 hour shifts, and he is often "too tired" to exercise when he gets home, but we found something that he enjoys to do. He really likes to do yard work as a form of venting and release, and it is great exercise.
You are very young, and you should think about changing to make healthy choices. The first step is the hardest especially when you are tired and frustrated, but eating right and exercising will give you more energy and motivation!
Just try to form new habits.
Well if your job is really that physically demanding that you can't exercise when you get home from work, I really have to wonder what your diet is like in the first place to be overweight.
First off let me say I am by no means a professional, just a gal clinging to the wagon.

I don’t think fasting is the answer. It may work, but only short term. Odds are you will be miserable during the process (you said yourself you love to eat), and it is very likely that the weight will just pile right back on as soon as your fast ends, much like it did when the diet you were on ended. That is, sadly, the tale of most “diets”, especially if you don’t think of them as a lifestyle change. I would say if you can’t imagine a diet as a lifestyle change, don’t go on the diet. You need to make some changes in your lifestyle, but it can be intimidating to think of it in one large step. So why not take a few small steps?

What I would suggest is that you eat normally over the next 3 days, count each and every calorie that you eat (using fitday as was suggested earlier is great, as you can count your carbohydrates, fat, etc). At the end of the 3 days add your total together, divide by 3; now you have your average, and a starting point. Cut the amount of calories you are eating by 10% if 15%-20% sound too daunting, or you can start smaller. Just skip colas and sodas, have 2 slices of pizza instead of 3, start off at a pace you are comfortable with (the suggestions I am giving is from where I started re-losing weight after gaining 30lbs back after a "diet" I couldn't maintain for life). Maybe give yourself a small challenge each week (e.g. drinking 8 glasses of water per day this week, no cola of any kind the next week, at least 1 piece of fruit per day) and build from there.

Just keep repeating to yourself: slow and steady.

Best of luck to you.
As far as being tired after work goes, join the club. People are tired all day everyday. Work out before work or after work. Most things worth doing aren't easy. Good luck.