clean healthy
eating and a hell of a lot of effort
including running where I ended up
running a half marathon
I have no doubt you can do it again. More details on your lean body mass and basal metabolic rate
at your goal weight would be helpful. Runner physiques tend to be low on muscle mass and
that doesn't leave much calorie burning reserve to metabolize calories should you stop running for a short period.
That's why many runners gain weight quickly when they get injured or have to stop running for
other reasons.
Illness and a bad work situation stuck me down
but I will build myself up just you
watch me!
How would you like to prevent the weight gain in the future?
Life is hard and the only way to be consistently successful is to
have a contingency plan for when trouble arises and threatens
your healthy lifestyle.
The most important points I'm trying to make here is
1. Don't ignore the cause of your failure: study it, learn from it, and develop
a contingency plan to prevent failure.
That's one of the biggest lessons I have leaned from this forum.
Talk it out in this forum. How do consistent people deal with major life stress?
2. Running alone or as the main exercise is a tough way maintain
your health. Without increasing your lean body mass through
weights, you have little metabolism reserve and unavoidable
exercise breaks can be disastrous.