Sport Help me! I've fallen off the fitness bandwagon

Sport Fitness
After working a stressful nannying job with a very unhealthy family I've lost my healthy eating regime and it seems I need to relearn how to be healthy again :(

What advice can you give me as a 66kg female wanting to get back down to her happy and healthy 59kg weight using pretty clean eating!
hi EPS! good to see you again. well my opinion is you need to think about how much you accomplished with good healthy eating in the past and how well you felt. now all you have to do is pick up where you left off. ditch the unhealthy eating and get back to your amazing routine you had before. we all know you have it in you to succeed with what you want. your pics are proof! now get to work! LOL! you could do it!!
After working a stressful nannying job with a very unhealthy family I've lost my healthy eating regime and it seems I need to relearn how to be healthy again :(

What advice can you give me as a 66kg female wanting to get back down to her happy and healthy 59kg weight using pretty clean eating!

As Lilian said....YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

You've done this before, now you need to get back to the mental state where you took control and got yourself healthy! My first step would,be make a plan. Look at your eating, and exercise, and take control of it.

Everypennyspent, If you did it once, you can do it again, where you said "Feast your eyes on what a good eating and exercise program can do". Just put your diet in order, start doing some cardio and resistance training and you will be good in no time.
Im with the have done it once! Just get yourself motivated and disciplined once again. Your results have been an inspiration to many others, so let them inspire you!
After working a stressful nannying job ... :(

EPS, the first 6 words said it all. Like Chillen has said in many posts, the key to lifelong health and fitness is the psychological training that must go with the nutritional and exercise changes you make. I think you would benefit greatly from reading his posts on the subject, not only to get back to your goal weight and fitness, but also to have a lifelong lifestyle change.

Also, if your initial success was mainly due to diet alone, then a more wholistic approach to becoming healthy again will be important.

I suspect you have lost a lot of muscle mass in your initial weight loss and are now struggling with a slow BMR.

How much weight lifting have you been doing?
No my weight loss was achieved through clean healthy eating and a hell of a lot of effort including running where I ended up running a half marathon that's how dedicated I was. Illness and a bad work situation stuck me down but I will build myself up just you watch me! I must remember that hard work and dedication pay off!
clean healthy
eating and a hell of a lot of effort
including running where I ended up
running a half marathon

I have no doubt you can do it again. More details on your lean body mass and basal metabolic rate
at your goal weight would be helpful. Runner physiques tend to be low on muscle mass and
that doesn't leave much calorie burning reserve to metabolize calories should you stop running for a short period.
That's why many runners gain weight quickly when they get injured or have to stop running for
other reasons.

Illness and a bad work situation stuck me down
but I will build myself up just you
watch me!

How would you like to prevent the weight gain in the future?
Life is hard and the only way to be consistently successful is to
have a contingency plan for when trouble arises and threatens
your healthy lifestyle.

The most important points I'm trying to make here is
1. Don't ignore the cause of your failure: study it, learn from it, and develop
a contingency plan to prevent failure.
That's one of the biggest lessons I have leaned from this forum.
Talk it out in this forum. How do consistent people deal with major life stress?
2. Running alone or as the main exercise is a tough way maintain
your health. Without increasing your lean body mass through
weights, you have little metabolism reserve and unavoidable
exercise breaks can be disastrous.


Thank you for your help everyone it's been greatly appreciated. I've acknowledged the problem and cut the bad work situation out of my life and it was only Monday but I'm feeling better already and have followed my exercise plan perfectly so far. No excuses and I will run 15km tomorrow and nothing will stop me I'm finally finding myself again and cutting out alcohol completely as when I have fallen off the rails I ended up drinking every weekend :eek2: which is definitely not me! I don't enjoy losing control in that way and I much prefer a night at home relaxing watching a movie or reading.

Structure, routine and plans are important and my main goal at the moment is to get back on track. Eat properly three meals a day and two snacks,- exercise everyday following my program and I'm starting a new job on Monday where the hours are structured and I won't be walked all over which shall be perfect! I'm looking forward to gaining control of my life again.

Now I've decided how important health is to me and I have realised I will become a nurse and I will start my course in February next year, up until then I have to stimulate my mind and I'm deciding whether I study personal training just to get my mind back into the swing or a certificate three in childcare because I do eventually want to work in women's and children's health in nursing. Both would help yet I'm not too sure which one I want to focus on at the moment so I must stop and take time to think.

I have felt calm and relaxed and now I need to get a health check up and see the dentist. Slowly but surely, slowly but surely!
Now I've decided how important health is to me and I have realised I will become a nurse and I will start my course in February next year, up until then I have to stimulate my mind and I'm deciding whether I study personal training

I vote for personal training. This would be perfect if you are solidifying your lifestyle changes and it is a great way to stay accountable (and make money if you are good)!

If you have already worked in child care, I don't see a certificate helping you in or getting into nursing school. If you want to do pediatrics or primary care for women's health as a nurse practitioner, great grades and great clinical evaluations will help you the most in getting your dream job. Also, get a nursing mentor who does the job you want to get so that you can get advice on optimizing your chances. Finally, try to get into the best nursing school in your area that you can afford.


My advice is think possitive and be very motivated to get backto the shape you were OR even better. Personally i find that eating healthy balanced diet will bring you back to shape.

I went for holiday end of last year to Malaysia and I ate lots of food everyday and I actually gained 8kg. Once I came back from holiday, for the first week I did some excercise and also having salads nearly everyday. That bring me back to my usual shape again in roughly 1.5 week. By the way, when i say salad PLEASE DON'T HAVE CAESAR SALAD. Reason for the mayonnaise dressing and bacons.

But also make sure that you have balance nutrient and also vitamins.
Dear EveryPenny,

This post reminds me of an aritcle that I recently read on It is called Get Lean and Green for Fast Fat Loss. It talks about what you should and should not eat in order to burn more fat. I found it really helpful and I think that you will too. It's written by this guy Marc Perry who is a personal trainer and a fitness expert. While you are at, their are other articles that are worth reading as well. Good luck and hit the fruits and veggies!