Sport Help me if you can!!

Sport Fitness
Im kind of a big kid...actually a really big kid heh...I weight 270 5'6 and can bench 255..Isnt quite 1:1 i wanna cut down my weight some, anyone have these problems I wanna keep the muscle and/or gain more if i can so just checking around to see if anyone has had personal expericnce on this.
I used to be pretty big too, and I'm also not that tall. I've lost a good amount of weight (50lbs and hoping for more) and here's what worked for me.

1. Diet
I started to watch what I was eating and started to eat healthier too. I switched from regular pop to diet, started eating fruits and vegetables regularly, and avoided chips and cookies and other stuff of that nature. You can create a free account on something like to keep track of your daily calories. Most importantly, to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you take in.

2. Cardio
I basically did 20+ minutes of cardio 3-5 times per week. I started out easy and as I've lost weight I've increased the intensity and duration of my cardio sessions. I've mostly used the treadmill, stationary bike, and elliptical.

3. Weights
I starting regularly lifting weights and I documented what I was doing. I generally lift 3x's per week and do total body workouts each time. I find it to be really helpful when I go to the gym and know exactley what exercises I'm doing when I get there, and when I leave I write down what I did. Doing this allows me to track my progress and see my improvement.

4. Attitude
You have to want to become more fit and to lose the weight. At least for me, if I really want something then I'll work like crazy to get it, but if I don't want it badly enough then I can be lazy.

5. Tracking Progress
Whether you weigh yourself every day or only once per week, keep track of your weight loss.

This is just what has worked for me, take from it what you will.
Trent2 said:
5. Tracking Progress
Whether you weigh yourself every day or only once per week, keep track of your weight loss.

I agree with all of what Trent2 said but, what I would add regarding the above quote is that weighing yourself every day is a very bad idea as you are unlikely to see progress. If you weight yourself once a week, at the same time of day, you'll be able to monitor your progress and will be more liely to see a difference which should help to motivate you.

Best of luck
Gotcha already cut out pop tottaly pretty much and most fatty foods...Just dont do cardio much afraid of losing muscle but really i just dont like how long it takes..heh but ill get crackin the journal entry seems to work the best by far thanks.
Cardio is a necessary evil my friend given what your goals are. Try to find something you enjoy doing - cycling, rollerblading, whatever - as long as it gets your heart rate up, its all good ;)
yea well i am swam for highschool for 6 years i can hold swimming easily but doesnt seem to get my heart up...Guess im gonna have to PUSH IT.