Help me definitely lose 1lb a week!


New member
I'm 17 years old, 5 foot 5 inches, 157 lbs (start weight was 165 lbs), and I just took an online test for body fat, and it says 24%.

-Diet (in detail meal to meal, overall daily caloric intake, ratios)
I eat what I've usually ate, minus junk food, but not AS much.
Sandwiches (switched to wholewheat/brown bread) with ham, baked beans, eggs, pasta (i measure it), veggies, fruit, tuna, porridge for breakfasts.
I eat around 1200-1500 calories a day. Anymore makes me feel like I'm eating too much?

-Exercise routine in detail (cardio/weight training)
I walk all day, and for around an hour (usually on the way home or during lunch at college) I walk quickly and feel the burn in my legs. I've just got Pump It Up the work out DVD, so I'll give that a go. In two weeks I'm getting a motorized treadmill and a cross trainer? Whatever that is lol.

-Clear reason and question for the post
I want to know:
How many calories I must have a day, and also burn off a day, to lose no less than 1lb and no more than 2 lbs a week.
Also, when I get my treadmill/cross trainer, how much exercise is enough? Both come with calorie, speed, distance and time monitors.
Do I need rest days or can I just carry on?

-Current and overall goal
Current goal is to get to 147 lbs before August 8th (13-14 weeks)
^ If I lose one pound a week, I will be lower than 147 which is great.
Overall, I want to be 125-135 lbs. Perhaps more, but we'll see once I'm there.

-How long you have been doing what you are doing in diet and routine
I've been doing this for about a month. I've been counting calories, walking a LOT more, stopped eating pizza, crisps (only once every three days and only 99 cal ones), all junk foods. I've been eating more veggies and fruit than usual, and also drinking more than usual.

-If you have any medical problems or injuries we should be aware of

I'd appreciate it if professionals or even tips from other members could help me with my questions.

How many calories I must have a day, and also burn off a day, to lose no less than 1lb and no more than 2 lbs a week.
Also, when I get my treadmill/cross trainer, how much exercise is enough? Both come with calorie, speed, distance and time monitors.
Do I need rest days or can I just carry on?
How many calories I must have a day, and also burn off a day, to lose no less than 1lb and no more than 2 lbs a week?
TO understand how many calories to cut out, you need to understand how many calories you need.

Include BMR+Activity level THEN subtract caloric amount. At your size I wouldn't shoot for more than 1 to 1.5 pound loss a week.

Also, when I get my treadmill/cross trainer, how much exercise is enough? Both come with calorie, speed, distance and time monitors.
My clients only train for 30 mins at a time and have great fat loss so to me over that for fat loss isn't needed. Work harder not longer, work smarter not longer. Also don't listen to those read outs on those machines for calories, always off.

Do I need rest days or can I just carry on?
Yes, you need rest days. At least 1 full rest day a week, I usually recommend 2.

On an added note you need to throw in some resistance training 2-3 days a week full body. You wont get bulky, you will BOOST your metabolism and burn some calories like crazy.
Thanks for replying!

That website says I should have 2149 calories to maintain my weight. Minus 500 calories for weight loss, and thats 1649. This is a lot more than I'm eating now, come to think of it. I've only had 900 calories today and I feel full. If I ate 1649 calories, I'd lose weight still? Plus exercise?

Also, what is resistance training and what should I do/need?

I was going to buy a treadmill, but now I'm not so sure, since I'd only be using it half an hour a day, and I'd be spending £300 on it for a motorized one.
Do you think I should just buy a manual one for £100? Would it do the same?

I could buy extra exercise things with the rest of the money. If a manual one is okay, what other things would be helpful to me?

Again, thanks for replying and I'm eager to hear from you again. This is really helping me!
I've just ordered my treadmill along with a cross trainer. How long per day should I use these? Walking, running, what speeds, etc.

I've upped my calorie intake to 1600 per day, which I'm doing but with trouble as I don't eat that much. Does this mean I should do exercise more?

I've been following the Pump It Up dance workout DVD right now.
I'm sure you know this.. .and I'm no expert... but you mentioned being at 900 calories. That is TOO low! I'm pretty sure that too few calories actually makes you keep the weight on. Your body thinks your starving, and then holds on to whatever it can get.

Also, the things that seem to be helping me are the HITT training. You can read about it all over this forum. In fact there is a great thread at the top of this section. Read that. Great information, and it is clearly the way to go. As for resistance training. Lifting weights. I TRY to lift 3 times a week. I'm not the best at lifting, but it seems funny that whenever I do it, I seem to see a new LOW number on the scale the next few days.

Stay committed. Write your calories out somewhere you can see them! Good luck, and hopefully we'll see you back here more.
^ I think 900 calories is too low too. I've eaten 1310 calories today and I'm stuffed! It's really hard to eat more, but I am trying.

I will go look at that HITT thread right now. Not got a clue what it is lol. I will try some weight lifting too. Should I start low and work up, or what? I'm not used to lifting weights, but I held a 1KG dumbell today and it was easy, but a 5KG was a bit heavier.
^ Thanks for the link, it's a great help! :)