HELP ME (computer related)


New member
It's been over a week, and my msn/hotmail STILL does not work. Twice over the week it's randomly signed in all by itself, but I can not get into it no matter what I do. I just got a new Dell Inspiron desktop, and it came with Windows Vista.

I feel like maybe it's something stupid I didn't do, or whatever. I can log into my Yahoo messenger with no problems. This thing came with msn right in the built in toolbar, so what's the problem?????
Not sure what error you're getting -- but if its on the setup of the account

MS's Knowledge base offers up this article

Sinceit's a new machine, you should have support with Dell or Microsoft - I'd honestly give them a call and see if they have a better solution.. dells support (on an enterprise level - not sure about home) is excellent so they might have an answer - just be sure to provide all error messages you're getting.