Help losing weight


New member
being in the recession has been hard for me, no new contracts/job.... and just watching the money disappear from my bank account with no support from anyone, not even the government.

This of course resulted in me eating and eating and now, ive put on weight and feel horrible at times about it.

I used to fit into jeans I have, but now I barely do.

I need help and support from anyone who can give me advice and a good "plan" to follow, I am desperate for this.

I am a male, 23 of age - and not a very "active" person, I do like to walk and what not, I am in IT so mainly I sit on my ass! :) (im not THAT fat).

I want to know what can I do to loose weight in terms of eating food?
I do drink water, and only a can or two during the week for pop but I try not too.

I used to eat sweets.chocs and crisps but havent done so in the past few months or if I do, just once every couple of weeks.

I eat special K for breakfast, but also shredded wheat. for lunch, I am not sure but its just mainly sandwiches.
I do eat rice from time to time, as well as pasta.

So, what kind of plan should I follow? What should I eat? and how many times? how quick can I loose the excessive weight I have? I am aware that loosing weight quick isnt entirely possibly, and even if it were.... its not a long term thing which I know.

Please help. Thanks!
I'm sorry to here about the hard times :/
It definitely is the worst when something happens and clothes you used to fit into fine, (or even used to be big!) are now on the small side.

As far as eating habits, fruit and veggies are definitely a fail proof way to go. I've had a lot of luck with a paleo diet, and I pretty much try to stick with that for the most part. It's nothing crazy, it's just lean meats, fruits, and veggies. Look it up on line, it's a pretty easy, fail proof, eating style to follow. I know Brad Pitt did it while he was training for his role in Fight Club haha. The main idea behind it is just taking our eating habits back to how they've been for most of mankind's existence/evolution.

But, all of that aside, it doesn't sound like you are eating anything too horrible for you right now. I mean, pasta and sandwiches can pack away lots of hidden calories, so that would be the only thing that I would watch. It seems like I remember bread has 100 calories per slice?

Just look at calories coming in and calories going out. If you have cut out the sweets and crisps like you said then you're definitely on the right track! Unfortunately it's way easier to put on weight than it is to take it back off again :( You'll be fine, I promise!

Let me know if anything I said helps, I feel a bit like I'm rambling :)
Oh, ps, you said that you liked walking and such, that's great! Make mini goals like walking three times a week for 30 minutes and I'm sure you won't regret it!

Good luck, Let me know how it goes :)
thanks for that hun, much appreciated!
Sometimes I just do not know what to eat when I am hungry, or when I come home from work - I look in the cupboards and find either pasta or soup or rice.... i just do not know what else I can make/eat without putting on many pounds... plus, I don't have a huge variety of food as mainly, I don't know what exists!