Help Losing Weight/Becoming Fit


New member
Hey, I'm 17, 5'9, 240-250lbs, and I need help to change that. I plan on starting a diet/exercising 2x a day, next Monday. This is because my school ends on Thursday and I'll have the entire summer to start this.

Basically there are questions I have about all of this.

Should I try to eat 3, 4, or 5 meals per day?

How large/small should each meal be and what type of foods should I eat during each meal?

I really dislike most vegetables outside of corn, peas, potatoes, and green beans. Would I be able to get by with only these vegetables or some alternative? If it helps any, I've liked most fruits that I've had before.

How long should I wait in between each meal?

When should I exercise? I was planning on one in the morning and one at night but I do not know what is the most beneficial.

I haven't drank soda since December, I mostly only drink Green Tea and Water? Should I change this to only water or some other liquid with it instead of green tea?

What type of exercises should I do? I only have items that you would find around a normal house and no money for a gym membership or anything of the sort.

I know that I will most likely not be fit by the time school starts up again for my senior year, but I would at least like to get a good start on a diet and exercising. If you can answer all my questions, thanks a ton, it means a lot to me.
Should I try to eat 3, 4, or 5 meals per day?
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you get hungry in between eat a healthy snack.

How large/small should each meal be and what type of foods should I eat during each meal?
The portions you were consuming before should be cut down now. Do not over eat, and eat slowly.

I really dislike most vegetables outside of corn, peas, potatoes, and green beans. Would I be able to get by with only these vegetables or some alternative?
You're fine with those vegetables, as long as you're not solely depending on them.

How long should I wait in between each meal?
That depends on when your stomach starts growling.

When should I exercise?
Anytime for at least thirty minutes a day.

I haven't drank soda since December, I mostly only drink Green Tea and Water?
Water is the miracle worker.

What type of exercises should I do? Life the heavier items that you can find around your house. Walk around outside. Do sit ups, chin ups, leg lifts, and stretches.
I like the way K-lee answered you're questions, so I will mimic her. However, my answers are different.

Should I try to eat 3, 4, or 5 meals per day?
Eat as often as possible; this will help to raise your metabolism.

How large/small should each meal be and what type of foods should I eat during each meal?
Ideally, all meals should be "small." I personally try to eat more carbohydrates in the morning and more fat/protein in the evening, however, all that really matters is the total number of calories you are consuming each day.

I really dislike most vegetables outside of corn, peas, potatoes, and green beans. Would I be able to get by with only these vegetables or some alternative?
Potatoes and corn=bad. They contain a lot of starch which means they are much higher in calorie content. For instance, a cup of corn is about 130 calories and a cup of broccoli is 30 calories. You should try to eat green vegetables. This does not mean you can't eat potatoes or corn, but consider the calorie content.

How long should I wait in between each meal?
Like I said, eat as often as possible to raise your metabolism. I eat every 3 hours. Even if it is just 15 almonds, I am eating something every 3 hours.

When should I exercise?
I agree with K-lee, "anytime." If you really want to lose weight quickly, I would recommend increasing the amount of time you exercise each week. For instance, for the first week you will run for 20 min per day 5 days per week. The second week 30 min per day, third week 40 min, fourth week 50 min.

I haven't drank soda since December, I mostly only drink Green Tea and Water?
Awesome. I love soda, but it is terrible for us. Water is the best as K-lee said. If anything, the caffeine in the green tea will increase your metabolism. Just don't add sugar to it.

What type of exercises should I do?
Since your goal is to lose weight, I would recommend cardiovascular exercise rather than strength training. You should also do strength training exercises if you can. Deadlift, squat, bench press, and overhead press are all you need. The best cardiovascular exercise in my opinion is running, especially if you add sprints. But basically anything that makes you sweat is good cardio.
You should do some research on nutrition. And then some more...and then some more. Lol. You need to make healthy choices, but choices that will go with your life style. Calorie counting is by far, in my opinion, the best way to go about it. It's not dieting, it focuses on healthy choices and portion control. You can eat a Burger, but is it worth it to be hungry later? I eat constantly now...but low calorie stuff.
What I suggest, if you do this, is to ease into it. I use myfitnesspal on my cell phone. It tells you the amount of calories you should consume for your age and weight. It's also a food tracker. It has an amazingly huge database of food, so it's easy to track things. The one thing I do, though, that I just started, is vary my calories. Myfitnesspal suggests around 1600 daily. I lost water weight doing that, but I stopped losing. I didn't gain, but didn't lose. Now, I'm doing 1400 calories for a couple days, then 1600-1700 for one, then back down. It's confusing my metabolism, and not putting myself into starvation mode. I'm losing again, which is great. If you eat too will stop losing weight! It will eat your muscles, and start storing fat. Then, when you eat again, you'll put on double the weight.
Drink half your weight in ounces of water. Lol. Yeah...that's what they say. Just drink at least 64oz. Drink a full glass before you eat, even if you don't want to. It will fill you up faster.
If you're drinking Lipton green tea in the bottle, and it's not diet...stop. It has has many calories as soda. Makes me sad, because I love it.
I have been losing inches, but no weight. Partially due to calories, partially due to exercise. If you are putting on muscle, your number won't drop....right now. Muscle burns fat. As long as you are eating well and exercising, you will see results.
Don't get discouraged. You didn't gain the weight overnight, you can't lose it overnight, either. Don't focus on doing it fast. The people who do it fast aren't learning healthy habits and put the weight back on.
Weigh yourself when you wake up. If you do it after a workout, or after walking around all day, your body is retaining water. Your wake-up weight is the most accurate. You can try it. Weigh yourself when you first wake-up, after you then later in the day. Sometimes, there will be a 4lbs difference!

Check out diaries. Amy1985 and fourtyfour have amazing tips.

You can do it. Just be patient. It's hard. I passed donuts today and almost cried. I know that once I get to the right weight, I can treat myself to those occasionally. Just not now. ;)

"Plaudite, amici, comedia finita est."
Hi, and welcome to the forum :) Congratulations on working on your health at a young age.

The first thing you need to do is work out your calorific needs for your height, weight, age, and exercise. Weight loss is about eating less calories than your body is burning. Try this website: Aim at weight loss of 1-2lb a week (possibly up to 3 given your current weight, but that will decrease as you lose weight). Stick to a figure for your weight loss (so for example, my figure to lose half a kilogram a week is 1776 calories, so I aim at that. I personally work within a range- what it would take for me to lose a kilogram a week to half a kilogram, which for me is 1226-1776, but you need to find a way of dealing with it that works for you).

Whether you want to track that exactly (I do, Ninja does, others don't) or whether you just want to be aware of the calories in certain foods (the internet is great for that- you can google almost any sort of food and get a nutritional breakdown, from apples to bacon to chocolate)

This is going to get repetitive a bit, but the answer to a lot of your questions is "whatever works for you". There are probably small nutritional reasons why some doctrines like "eat 5 meals a day" "eat certain foods at certain times" "exercise at this time not that time" etc are better than another approach, but a weight loss plan you can stick to is better than one you can't stick to. (I've followed pretty much nothing in the way of "rules", apart from calories and nutrition, and I've lost 7kg- nearly 15.5lb- in 7 weeks)

Here's a simple guide to nutritional guidelines in England: (or find something similar for your own area) I personally don't eat as much grain/ starch as they recommend and supplement it with vegetables.

I would emphasise that given your age, you're still developing and/ or growing, and so you need to be really careful with diets. Don't slash the calories too far and be careful to make sure you get the nutrition you need. Your brain and bones don't stop developing until you're about 25, and cutting down too far could play havoc with your development, which could lead to long term health consequences. If you can, check your diet plan with a doctor.

Should I try to eat 3, 4, or 5 meals per day?

Whatever works for you. Personally I have 3 meals a day and I snack a lot. As long as the calories work out and you're happy about what/ when you're eating, it's fine. Some people need to eat regularly (my blood sugar drops if I don't eat every 2-3 hours), some people don't.

How large/small should each meal be and what type of foods should I eat during each meal?

Whatever works for you. Seriously, as long as the calories add up and you're eating reasonably healthily, knock yourself out. Find things you like, that are healthy, that fill you up. I find higher protein foods keep me fuller, so I'd recommend that, but it's a "this has worked for me", not a rule. I'd also recommend for nutritional reasons having fruit and/ or vegetables every time you have a meal (also for calorie reasons- most fruit and vegetables are very low calorie density).

Eat as much home-prepared food as possible. (Count fats/ oils used in cooking in your calorie count- and as such try to limit those to the extent you can, they're generally very high calorie) This doesn't necessarily have to be boring- if you check my diary I make new and interesting things all the time (including low calorie pizza. Yes, you can eat pizza on my kind of diet). Processed food is more difficult to account for and is usually loaded up with something bad (sodium is particularly something to watch out for- it doesn't affect calories, but it can be damaging to your health). Given your age, if you haven't already, learn to cook before you move out. You'll thank me in a few years (I moved out of home nearly two years ago knowing very little about cooking, and it was a very steep learning curve). I'm happy to offer advice/ tips on where to get started there.

I really dislike most vegetables outside of corn, peas, potatoes, and green beans. Would I be able to get by with only these vegetables or some alternative? If it helps any, I've liked most fruits that I've had before

The more variety you have the better it is nutritionally, but as long as you have sufficient fruit and vegetables (for the purposes of nutrition potato isn't a vegetable by the way, it's a starch like bread, pasta, or rice) and other food types, do/ eat what you like. Try to eat at least 5 servings of 2.8oz (I converted from grams- 80g) of fruit and vegetables a day (ideally don't count dried or juice- although if you count dried, 1oz is a serving, but max 1 serve of dried a day counts). Try to eat more vegetables than fruit. (The serving recommendations are the nutritional requirements for England- you can also look to what nutritional/ medical bodies recommend where you are)

I'd encourage you to try different things and cooking things in different ways to see if there are things you like that you previously didn't (for example, if you've only had boiled vegetables... yeah, that's disgusting. And I love vegetables). Taste buds change- I remember when my siblings were younger that pumpkin would make them want to vomit (seriously, it'd get put on their plate and they'd start gagging) and both of them decided somewhere between the ages of 15 and 18 that they now liked it (I'm 25, my youngest sibling is 21). If you've ruled out something more than a couple of years ago, I'd encourage you to give it a go again. (Also, for cooking techniques, try steaming- if you don't have a steamer, chop up the vegetable into small bits, stick in a microwave safe container with 1-2 tablespoons water, cover, and microwave until slightly soft but not mushy- or sauteeing in a low cal cooking spray) But if you still don't like things, that's ok, as long as you get enough vegetables in your diet.

How long should I wait in between each meal?

Do what works for you. Depends on how filling you find food and your schedule. Snacking isn't the devil, as long as it's healthy and fits into the calories. I find it easier to stick to my calories if I have more filling meals and wait, but it depends on what you eat.

When should I exercise? I was planning on one in the morning and one at night but I do not know what is the most beneficial.

Do what works for you- I like to exercise when my brain is relatively focussed so I get more (physically and psychologically) out of exercise. As a night owl, I tend to prefer exercising in the mid-afternoon. If you're a morning lark, exercise first thing, if you're a night owl, find a sociable hour (sadly, exercising at 1am is a bad idea :leaving: ) where you feel awake and alert and exercise then. Also depends on your schedule.

Exercising twice in one day is probably overtraining, depending on what you do, but I'm not terribly knowledgeable in that area. Don't overtrain and hurt yourself- you're better off exercising moderately for two months than exercising really hard for two weeks, injuring yourself, and not being able to do anything for six weeks.

(continued in next message, I wrote too much)
I haven't drank soda since December, I mostly only drink Green Tea and Water? Should I change this to only water or some other liquid with it instead of green tea?

Can you guess what I'm going to say? That's right... do what works for you. Personally, I hate green tea (well, I hate what it does it me, it makes me feel sick), so I don't touch the stuff. Water is good and hydration is good. Ninja is right though- if you're having it pre-made, drop it and make it yourself, it's probably worse for you than you think. Anything is ok in moderation as long as you account for the calories. Do you like black tea, or coffee? Black tea is calorie free, and coffee is very low in calories (according to my calorie calculator, 100ml- bit over 3.5 fl. oz- of black coffee made from grounds contains 1 calorie)- it then depends on what you add to it (I add 0.1% milk, which is pretty low calorie, and contributes to getting enough dairy per day). Sweeteners are the kicker here- sugar contains 20 calories per teaspoon, so it adds up incredibly quickly. You could also try ice tea or ice green tea given it's the summer (recipe for green tea: ; recipe for black tea: )

Try to have at least 2 litres (about 70.4 fl. oz) of fluid a day, more if you exercise (and a little more again if what you have has caffeine in it). It'll keep you healthy and help fill you up so you need to eat less.

What type of exercises should I do? I only have items that you would find around a normal house and no money for a gym membership or anything of the sort.

Do what works for you. Anything is a good start- at your weight, I would advise caution on your joints, so running may not be a great idea at this stage. Brisk walking is good (get your heartrate up). Swimming is very good if you can manage it (very easy on the joints). Anything to get your heartrate up, particularly things you enjoy. Go for nature walks, hike, that sort of thing? The sky really is the limit. You can also get free aerobics workouts online (these may require some equipment, but they're recommended a lot around here: ), including on youtube (search "aerobics for beginners" and find a video of about 10 minutes that has moves you'd be comfortable doing and has little/ no equipment). Resistance training is probably important, but I'm reluctant to advise on that given I know little about this area and I don't want you to injure yourself. If you find aerobics workouts that call for dumbells, try a can of beans or something of similar weight that will fit comfortably in your hand.

Any start is a good start, and congratulations again for getting the motivation to do this :) Hope this has been of some use.