help!! just starting running, tasting blood?

I just started running to get back in shape for the summer. Ide say I need/want to loose 15-20 pounds MAX. Well I started my training today. I started running and about 10 minutes into it I start to tase somethnig in my mouth/throat. It almost tastes like blood...I finished my run and came home. Im on the computer now cooling off nad i cant stop caughing. I still taste this blood taste every time i caugh. Its really weird and has my worried. Any help or ideas?:eek:
If you had cold or sinus before, you might get that taste. I would suggest visit a doctor or get some medical advice. Good luck on your new start and happy new year.
I havent had a cold for a long time! It was really cold whe nI went running though. Im going to run tonight, i'll see how it goes.
Suck it up! :D

If you have recently stopped smoking it might explain the coughing since your lunges are cleaning out the tar and whatnot
When you work high intensities your mucous membranes in your oral and nasal cavities can become permeable but it usually only happens at over 120% of your Vo2 max. Maybe the cold is making your gums blead or something. How hard are you running?