Help I’m feeling lost


New member
So I’ve just turned 22 and for the past month I’ve been on a strict diet and have been exercising but I feel as if I’ve gained wait instead of lost weight, I used to be a size 10 and I’m now between sizes 16-18 it’s seriously depressing me, please someone help me?
you may merely be eating the wrong things. unlike the popular saying, "calories are calories" .... "calories ARE NOT calories". there are three basic macronutrients, carbohydrates (sugars), protein and your body treats each one very differently in digestion.

here is a video i could suggest you watch... it is about therapeutic fasting, but it also explains fairly simply how fat is stored in your body and how nutrients are broken down and used... Dr. Jason Fung - 'Therapeutic Fasting - Solving the Two-Compartment Problem'

as someone who is currently on an intermittent fasting diet, i would encourage you to not jump into something as severe as any fasting diet without a plan to ease into that sort of a diet change. when you first start exercising, you do not go out the first day and run a marathon... use the same strategy with any diet. if you keep the changes small, you avoid the incentive to return to old habits.

good luck!
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i currently eat a pretty normal diet, but i only eat during a 4-5 hour window each day. that gives me time for two relatively small (compared to restaurant servings) meals. actually to save time i usually prepare a lot more than i need and split it up to cover 2-3 days. now that i'm getting close to a healthy BMI (at about 25.5 right now) just relying on the intermittent fasting diet isn't working as well as it did so i'm trying to modify two things... more exercise (i mostly just go for walks) and every other day i'm actively trying to lower carbs to close to zero.

Cate is right about weight. i weight myself a lot, but i never look at a single day but rather what i weighted a month ago. a pint of water weighs one pound. i've had days where my weight has changed +/- 5lbs, but when i look at two average days 30 days apart, i can consitantly see a downward trend.
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i watched that video and agree with all the stuff i understand. frankly i don't know that much about supplements or some of the psychological barriers to weight loss, but his general rhetoric on reducing insulin levels is very mainline thinking on controlling weight.

here is another video i discovered today with a similar message, but a little more detailed...
Intermittent Fasting & Hunger - What the Science says
fasting is an effective diet strategy but i would not recommend anyone diving right into a multi-day fast. i just completed a ~4 day fast, but i have been intermittent fasting for over four months now, so it was fairly easy for me to graduate to multi-day fasting.

the bottom line to me is that most people basically eat too much. most jobs today aren't in the hunter/ gatherer field, a time when food wasn't so readily available 24 hours a day. i have been eating 1 to 2 meals a day withing a 4 to 5 hour window for months. my advice to anyone is to start slowly expanding your daily fast. start with merely quitting after dinner and not eating until breakfast the following day. gradually move breakfast to lunch eventually getting to an 8/16 intermittent fast. then for maximum effectiveness, reduce the eating window down to 6 hours or less.

next, skip an entire day of eating and pick up the intermittent fast the following day. i did this just once then went to a multi-day fast for almost four days and it was a cinch.
So I’ve just turned 22 and for the past month I’ve been on a strict diet and have been exercising but I feel as if I’ve gained wait instead of lost weight, I used to be a size 10 and I’m now between sizes 16-18 it’s seriously depressing me, please someone help me?
I see that you want to reduce your excess body-fat. I know how you feel. I felt the same way, and then, I found something which worked...

I used the following intermittent fasting protocol for 28 days...

. . . . . Days 1-11: Fasted 16 hours/day ... (ate 3 times/day)

. . . . . . . . . . Day 12: Fasted for 24 hours

. . . . . Days 13-17: Fasted 18 hours/day ... (ate 3 times/day)

. . . . . . . . . . Day 18: Fasted for 24 hours

. . . . . Days 19-28: Fasted 16 hours/day ... (ate 3 times/day)

Here are my results...

***** (I achieved the following results without drugs, supplements, stimulants, or surgery, and without going to the gym) *****

On the first day, I weighed 177 pounds (80 kilograms). On the twenty-eighth day, I weighed 146 pounds (66 kilograms). I dropped 23 pounds (10.4 kilograms) of body-fat during the first 18 days and 8 pounds (3.6 kilograms) of body-fat in the last 10 days.

***** READ THIS BEFORE YOU CONTINUE: Science proves that rapidly reducing your excess body-fat is the safest, and most effective approach for your long-term fat-loss success! Is that what you want? *****

Now, you continue...

During the first 18 days, I created a general Calorie deficit. During the last 10 days, I created a Calorie deficit based on my basal metabolic rate (BMR).

***** (The consideration of your personal BMR --- basal metabolic rate --- is a crucial element that is missing from your strategy to reduce your excess body-fat... It was missing from my strategy before this...) *****

To burn the most body-fat and be healthy, I maintained an eating pattern with a high nutrient density and a low glycemic load...

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***** PS: Here is what I ate and drank... *****

WATER: 3+ LITERS (3+ quarts) daily
did *NOT* eat fruits, or grains

1) Artichoke
2) Asparagus
3) Beets
4) Bok Choy
5) Broccoli
6) Brussels sprouts
7) Cabbage
8) Carrots
9) Cauliflower
10) Celery
11) Kale
12) Mushrooms
13) Onions
14) Peppers
15) Spinach
16) Squash
17) Tomato

1) Chicken
2) Beef
3) Eggs
4) Fish
5) Shell fish
6) Turkey

1) macadamia nuts
2) almonds
3) sunflower seeds
4) pumpkin seeds

Shabaka Nzinga Imhotep