Help. I'm fat!

Hey all. I've been checking out the forums this past week and think that this is a great online community.

I'm a 21 year old student desparately trying to shed some fat, gain muscle, and improve my fitness level. I'm currently 5'7 and 180 pounds. :eek:

I recently joined a gym and try to get in at least three times a week. My usual workout comprises of:
a 2-3 mile run on the treadmill
bench with 2x 45 plates for 3 sets of 8
leg press
alternating military press with bicep curl
lat pull
rotary machine

For nutrition, I "normally" have

oatmeal with fruit and nuts for breakfast
salad with salmon and hummus for lunch
fruit for a snack
my dinner varies
My one downfall is eating at work. I work in foreign affairs so there are always receptions, lunches, dinners, etc. Then there is the notorious D.C. happy hour.

Well I'm not sure if all this should go in the Intro forum. But there's my introduction to my fitness life.

I look forward to your comments!!
You need to be doing a set program. What you got there is pretty mixed up. I would give Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training a look at

That is a great starter program. Also if you want some free programs let me know.