Weight-Loss Help! I work in a restaurant!

Hello, I am new to this forum, ans I have been reading all the posts and advice given on both forums, and I see that there are so many people who actually know what they are talking about! There is just one question I dont think I have seen anyone ask... I work in a restaurant- a local place, where there really isnt anything that's "healthy"... the salads are worse than the burgers! I have only been working there for a few weeks, and to get by, i have been making simple side salads with light Italian dressing and grilled chicken- no crutons or any bad stuff... honestly, I dont think i can even LOOK at another salad! I also have been having grilled chicken breast on wheat bread with lettuce and low-fat honey mustard with broccoli for a side- I try to bring meals with me, but this is my second job- I work Mon-Fri days, and 3 nights a week at the restaurant! I barely have time to shower and get to the gym 3 times a week let alone cook myself meals to bring to work... for my day job, I do the same thing- keep a bag of salad mix and lite dressing in the fridge, and take any left over steak or chicken for a topping... or Lean Cuisine's- does anyone have any suggestions, or can anyone relate to my problem?? Exactly how bad is it to have a burger with no bun? or put it on whole wheat bread?? Any advice is appreciated!
I used to work in a small resturaunt as well when I was in highschool. I would go from school straight to my job until late at night, and it would often be my dinner.
They had a TON of high fat options, it was a greek resturaunt and although it was more of a challenge to create something semi-healthy I always did feel better after I ate that instead of a value meal.

I used to make a lot of salads with grilled chicken, or Id skip the high fat sauces or dressings if i made a sandwich (which i loaded with tons of veggies) If you can id sneak into the back to look at the nutrition facts of the burgers or something lol. I used to do that when I did inventory, but I dont see what would be so awful about a plain burger or a b urger on wheat depending on how they cook them. I would just skip the cheese and sauces to save on calories. Also I drank alot of water while i worked my shift so I wouldnt gorge myself when i took my dinner break...

Rule of thumbs
*Stay away from the fryer!
*Skip high fat sauces and dressings!
*Skip high fat cheeses!
*Drink Lots of Water
*Pack your sandwiches and salads full of veggies for more substance :)

Hope that helps a little, its always hard to find something healthy especially when you are surrounded and tempted by it all the time!
Thank you for your advice! The burgers that we have are all certified angus beef, which is the best quality beef you can find- the only thing is, i dont know if that means they are "leaner" than regualr burgers- they are certainly better than fast food joints lol, but i think i will check out to see how fatty they are- an yes, no cheese or mayo- i do like mustard, which i hear isnt too bad for you- and maybe some pickles to bring it a little flavor- and either green beans or brocolli for a side... there is a "health nut" that i work with, so hopefully she knows some good tips too.. :)
whole foods, which includes a burger or two is going to be healthier for you long term than the processed foods that are in lean NOT Cuisine...

If it's not a chain restaurant you might want to make some suggestions to the chef/owners to start including some good tasting but healthier options on the menu... or make friends with the chef - and ask for some off the menu items -like a grilled chicken breast, etc.. (just watch the amount of extra oil that's put on the grill)
whole foods, which includes a burger or two is going to be healthier for you long term than the processed foods that are in lean NOT Cuisine...

See, i have been hearing a lot of negative things about Lean Cuisine's, but they are easy for me... are they really that bad for you?
I'm sure you can find an equal split of people to say they are ok vs they are not ok...

my own perspective is they are too high in sodium, and too high in preservatives and other things - read the ingredients list -do you really know what all those things are - -do you really want to put alll those things in your body?

Plus, I'm pretty much a food snob, I like real food - doesnt have to be fancy, jsut has to be recognizable and have a lot of flavor and contain ingredients that I recognize...

once in a while - i think they fill a need -but as a regular thing - I'd suggest spending 30 minutes one day a week and make your own frozen dinners...
The thing with lean cuisine and other meals is they are also way too expensive. Especially the pasta ones. You can make enough portions to last a week on what 2 meals cost.